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“I Dare You to Deny Me Communion!” Democrats Respond to Catholic Bishops Weaponizing Eucharist

We guarantee that Joe Biden is not “pro-abortion.” We can almost guarantee that Biden hates that some people have so few good choices and that Biden sees abortion as morally wrong in his eyes. But Biden also believes that denying women their own choice is constitutionally and morally wrong. Thus he is pro “access” and “choice.” It doesn’t mean he’s pro-abortion.

No. In fact, we can’t think of many people who are “pro-abortion” as a great quick answer. Abortions are always bad options, they often hurt the woman who needs one, and no one feels “good” about the whole process. But most of us recognize that the one thing to make it worse is to take the legal control away from women.

Enter the U.S. Counsel of Catholic Bishops, an organization that can take any terrible situation and make it markedly worse. The Bishops decided they needed to send a message to President Biden. Funny, because the Vatican (the boss) told the American bishops to not put out the letter or make it an issue, but they did it anyway: From The New Civil Rights Movement:

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops [1] overwhelmingly voted on Friday to move toward chastising President Joe Biden, a devout Catholic, for his policies supporting and defending a woman’s right to choose an abortion. It is the first official step toward denying the U.S. President communion. Biden personally opposes abortion but believes it should be a safe, protected, and legal right, which the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled.

The Bishops voted 168-55 to create a “teaching document,” as NBC News [2] reports, to serve as a “rebuke” of Biden and other Catholic politicians who support abortion. The Roman Catholic Church opposes the move.

As far as we can tell, the United States still has the death penalty – including a federal death penalty. We are one of the only semi-respectable countries that continue to condemn people to death. This is against church teaching. Evidently, the American Conference isn’t all that concerned about death row inmates. No one is.

But it has had a remarkable political impact, infuriating Catholic Democrats, while also ensuring that fewer and fewer people are in the pews on Sunday. Nice job, guys. Eye on the ball.

Ted Lieu was not having their pontificating, tweeting out: “Next time I go to Church, I dare you to deny me Communion.” We suspect that this was a political act and that no actual priest at an actual church is going to deny Lieu Communion, never mind Biden. We suspect that the local priests will ignore the bishops as easily as the U.S. Conf. ignored Pope Francis. The Vatican wants the bishops focused on social justice and not reproduction and privacy issues. But we’re talking about American bishops. Church princes.

Sixty Democrats wrote a “statement of principles” letter that was released yesterday, saying:

“We believe the separation of church and state allows for our faith to inform our public duties and best serve our constituents. “The Sacrament of Holy Communion is central to the life of practicing Catholics, and the weaponization of the Eucharist to Democratic lawmakers for their support of abortion is contradictory.”

They also noted that the church has never threatened Republicans who supported the death penalty, nor did they move to punish those who carried out the child separation policy on the border.

No elected officials have been threatened with being denied the Eucharist as they support and have supported policies contrary to the Church teachings, including supporting the death penalty, separating migrant children from their parents, denying asylum to those seeking safety in the United States, and denying rights and dignity to immigrants.

And on Twitter:

And this is perfectly put, while matching our first point. It is not like Biden is “pro-abortion.” No. He is pro allowing women the right to choose:

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak