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Jim Jordan Tries to Hit Biden on Gas Prices: Psaki Eviscerates the Attempt in Only One Tweet

The MAGAs in Congress are extremely good at picking out small and simple issues that look good in a Fox chyron.

Unfortunately, gas prices are one of the easiest and simplistic issues. We say, unfortunately, because as all Democrats know, gas prices are one of the few things that directly impact voters on a monthly basis and become soft targets. Obviously, low gas prices mean more money in voters’ pockets, and sometimes quite a bit. Just as obviously, a president has almost nothing to do with gas prices in a global market.

Democrats understand this very basic fact and so it’s not going to sell to the left. But that makes it very easy for MAGA pols. Jim Jordan loves talking in sound bytes while ignoring very basic facts, he can loudly bark and then retreat. Today, he compared gas prices this June to last June. Normally, gas prices spike in the summer. But Jordan left out the biggest issue, last year was not normal. Psaki tweeted out:

“You forgot to mention that gas prices are the same now as they were in June 2018. Or that this time last year unemployment was 11.1% — today it’s 5.8%.”

Yes, those things actually do impact the price of gas, and 2018 looks like a better comparison. Gas would have been even lower last June if the U.S. had quarantined as much as other countries. It had nothing to do with Trump or Biden. But Psaki then went next level, mentioning a small detail. The Republicans want to raise the gas tax, making the price higher.


Both parties can be hypocritical at times. Unfortunately, it is so easy for the MAGAs that it’s become almost instinct and painfully simple. Their voters won’t think beyond the chyron.
Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak