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Maria Bartiromo Explodes Over Her Capitol Siege Lies: ‘Keep Trashing Me! I Will Keep Telling the Truth!’

Someone has Maria Bartiromo’s soul captured and held in a work camp somewhere in the world, the same camp in which they have her brain. Something happened. Only crazy people back what she’s backed. She might be the only anchor in American, who invites Senator Ron Johnson on to combat “lies.”

Senator Ron Johnson, Moscow’s representative in the United States Senate, backed up fully (and more) by a woman who was once tremendously respected for her analysis… makes one wonder. As we’ve said before, if the Russians are meddling in our politics, they wouldn’t “just” go after politicians. No, they’re far too smart. Media manipulation is the jet fuel that makes the propaganda plane go. One has to start with the media, first, to get the politicians an audience.

We are speculating, no facts at all, but… we just wonder.

Anyway, Maria did, in fact, have Ron Johnson on the air today to do what everyone on the Far Right has been doing for the last month, to whitewash January 6th entirely, it was nothing, don’t pay attention, all overblown by Democrats, Achtung! Move on!

“Armed insurrecti*n is what Nancy Pelosi keeps calling Jan. 6, Senator. How many guns were actually taken up on that day since she says it was armed?”

Johnson, lied:

“They always talk about thousands of armed insurrecti*nists. I asked the FBI witness. Not one gun was recovered either in the Capitol or on the Capitol grounds, according to the FBI witness. So that’s just one of the latest big lies.”

As Rawstory pointed out, PolitiFact has already given Johnson a “Pants on Fire” rating for saying that no one was armed on January 6th.

But Maria loved finally hearing some truth! Da!

“I am so incredibly proud of this team on Sunday Morning Futures and of working alongside you. We have been telling every story. We’ve been on the right side of it for seven years going. I’ve been trashed every day along the way.

“Keep trashing me! I’ll keep telling the truth.”

Nyet. This is the woman who only dropped the voting machine conspiracy theories after being threatened with a lawsuit. If she was telling the truth, she wouldn’t have had any worries. She is allowed to tell the truth. Instead, she issued a contraction. Hastily.

Something is wrong here. Either Maria was always a superficial, easily excitable, narrow-minded, Right-Wing separatist or something happened to her along the way. We are just wondering.

Happy Fathers Day
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak