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Meghan McCain Accuses Biden of Doing ‘Grave Spiritual Harm’ to Himself Because He Supports a Woman’s Right to Choose

We write about Meghan McCain a few times a month because The View is a powerful voice among women. It makes sense, the show was designed to be geared toward women’s political views. And Meghan’s voice can be absurd, or extremely dangerous and divisive. As we always say, Meghan is 100% MAGA, she just hates Trump personally.

She is fully dedicated to dividing the country and hating Democrats. She hates Democrats every bit as much as the biggest MAGAs.

Today, Meghan McCain further divided the country by giving Biden some spiritual advice. After all, Meghan is just following the horrific example set out by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, who put out an explosive political report over the weekend, one that completely ignored Pope Francis’s order to not make the decision to deny communion to politicians who support the right to choose.

The MAGAs, it would seem, are not content in dividing the country in all other areas. Now they want to divide the Catholic Church. As we have said many times, Biden is personally opposed to abortion but refuses to make that choice for women. Politically, his job is to keep the choice open, “pro-choice,” over “pro-abortion.” It is an easy distinction that many people make.

Meanwhile, Meghan focuses on Biden meeting his maker. She’s just looking out for her Democratic President Joe Biden, she’s not dividing anything. Ask Meghan:

Meghan McCain accuses Biden of “doing grave spiritual harm to himself and harm to this country” over support for abortion. “He’s going to have to ultimately talk to his creator when the time comes as we all do, and reconcile his politics with his personal faith.”

So, now – imagine yourself on national television, believing that it’s your job to enlighten someone who’s been a practicing Catholic since birth, what kind of person does this? It is the kind who sees the American people divided on everything else and believes that this, too, needs to be a litmus test. Thus, Biden’s spiritual life is in her interest.

It really is sickening and it really is dangerous. That show isn’t designed to be viewed by liberal women alone.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak