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Now Rioters are the Victims: Mark Levin Says ‘They Would Be Treated Better if They Were at Guantanamo Bay’

It was bad enough that January 6th happened, worse that they all expected to go home that night with what amounts to a noise infraction, and even worse when the MAGA-GOP refused to investigate while whitewashing the entire thing. But now the MAGAs enter the end stage of the January 6th scrub. Destroy the organization going after the Trump administration (Potentially) and the rioters, while making all of them martyrs, misunderstood and mistreated good people who had to do something because no one else would.

The people that attempted a coup in the United States are now the ultimate victims. They are being treated horribly, kept in jail without due process, it is an outrage, according to Mark Levin.

Saturday, Levin said:

 “[They] are being treated like they are terr*rists and at Guantanamo Bay, where they would be treated actually better. Take a look at the Constitution. We don’t have secret trials in this country.”

Let’s break this down a bit. They are terr*rists, perhaps try to imagine them as Black Americans or immigrants, who were protesting their treatment under Trump, run that through your head and get back to us on what you’d call them. They would most certainly not be treated “better” at Guantanamo Bay. The majority of them are at home awaiting their trials. Those that are the most culpable, the most violent, and the ones plotting the entire matter, remain in jail awaiting their trials, just like many others charged with crimes of violence. The court is keeping them in jail awaiting trial because of the strength of the evidence and their propensity to commit another offense or flee.

None of it is happening in secret because we report almost daily upon the latest stupid argument based on white entitlement that we get from the court files or from someone sitting in the courtrooms because they’re not secret! They are being treated like violent offenders because that’s what they are, not heroes. Levin just presumes his audience doesn’t understand criminal procedure and have never watched Law and Order. We “hold people over” awaiting trial every day in this country.

“We are hearing that we have more FBI resources applied to this than to anything else. That people are being rounded up all over the country and being charged in some cases with misdemeanors. We have SWAT teams that are being used to collect people and bring them back to Washington. We’re hearing that they are in some of the worst jails and that some of them are being put in solitary confinement where they only have an hour where they can go outside, if that.”

Of course, the FBI uses more resources on this than anything else right now. It was a crime that involved thousands of people. It was the most serious crime, trying to stop democracy in this country, several people died, officials in Congress were terrified. We doubt any “SWAT” teams have done anything. Yes, when someone is charged, they are often brought back to Washington, that’s part of the due process, the court is in Washington.

We doubt any have been put in solitary confinement. True solitary confinement is torture and to be condemned, but by that, we mean meals shoved through the door, a toilet, and that’s it. Only getting one hour a day outside doesn’t constitute solitary confinement and, again, we haven’t heard any of those reports. If it were being misused – as it is in this country – then it’s a problem just like it is at your local county courthouse where some often use the same technique.

We hear that people are charged with misdemeanors, we hear that people are being threatened, that they may need to make plea agreements. We hear that they’re being told that they have to pay funds so they can fix the Capitol building. And I ask myself, how about Black Lives Matter and Antifa? Who is rounding them up? Who is sending SWAT teams out to get them?

Most BLM people protested peacefully on public streets. The ones that didn’t are in jail awaiting trial. Most of the protesters at the Capitol (As opposed to those who went in) weren’t charged with anything. We doubt there’s been one SWAT team, but if a county did use it, it was to go after the most deranged, the type that has yet again started making threats. If they are charged with misdemeanors they’re lucky. They are threatened about the need to plea out it is because they are charged with a crime, it happens daily.

Levin then said that he hasn’t heard about BLM and Antifa being rounded up. That’s because most who were violent were arrested that night and because they were black, no one heard about it again, just like most crimes committed by black men.

“[I am] not defending in any way what happened on January 6th in the Capitol building,” but is looking for “even-handedness and justice.”

No. That’s exactly what the problem is. The problem is that these criminal are being treated evenhandedly, that is what Levin and his pals don’t like. He wants them to get special treatment because they’re special people, white, middle class, men and women, being treated like “criminals.” He is trying to make them martyrs and it’s all part of the great whitewash after the big lie. The MAGAs are ever-dedicated to whitewashing their horrors. Try imagining the whole thing play out in a history book, where you’d ask yourself, “how did society not see right through this!”

Most of us do, very easily.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak