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Over 100 Leading Scholars From Right to Left Warn That U.S. Democracy is in Grave Danger

We, the undersigned, are scholars of democracy who have watched the recent deterioration of U.S. elections and liberal democracy with growing alarm…

New America, Scholars in Democracy, June 1st 2021

We haven’t seen anything like this before. We have seen variations signed by some in the psychiatric community, but nothing like this. Perhaps we missed it –  unlikely given its importance. A group of American democratic scholars (small “d”) issued a “Statement of Concern” today pertaining to what they see as an extreme danger to democracy. And no, it isn’t about Trump’s attempted coup.

This one is directed straight at the Republican pols in state after state, limiting voting rights:

Specifically, we have watched with deep concern as Republican-led state legislatures across the country have in recent months proposed or implemented what we consider radical changes to core electoral procedures in response to unproven and intentionally destructive allegations of a stolen election. Collectively, these initiatives are transforming several states into political systems that no longer meet the minimum conditions for free and fair elections. Hence, our entire democracy is now at risk.

When democracy breaks down, it typically takes many years, often decades, to reverse the downward spiral. In the process, violence and corruption typically flourish, and talent and wealth flee to more stable countries, undermining national prosperity. It is not just our venerated institutions and norms that are at risk—it is our future national standing, strength, and ability to compete globally.

We here at this site have said that should the MAGA right take hold again, it would be two to three generations before the U.S. came back. If ever. We have also written that there is no “rule” that says that the United States must operate as a beacon of freedom throughout the world.

Statutory changes in large key electoral battleground states are dangerously politicizing the process of electoral administration, with Republican-controlled legislatures giving themselves the power to override electoral outcomes on unproven allegations should Democrats win more votes.

They are seeking to restrict access to the ballot, the most basic principle underlying the right of all adult American citizens to participate in our democracy. They are also putting in place criminal sentences and fines meant to intimidate and scare away poll workers and nonpartisan administrators.

State legislatures have advanced initiatives that curtail voting methods now preferred by Democratic-leaning constituencies, such as early voting and mail voting. Republican lawmakers have openly talked about ensuring the “purity” and “quality” of the vote, echoing arguments widely used across the Jim Crow South as reasons for restricting the Black vote.

What more needs to be said? A bit more here [1]. If you really want to scare yourself.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak