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Don Jr. Just Posted the Most Disgusting Meme That People Want Him Kicked Off Social Media

Dr. Anthony Fauci is over 80 years old. He can walk onto any medical campus in this country or any other and be treated like medical royalty, a star that descended upon their school. He is without question one of the world’s foremost authorities on infectious diseases and has over fifty years of experience, some good, some great, and some not so great. Each one of those experiences, with each year, allowing him to learn more than he did the year before.

It is not hyperbole to say that Fauci prepared a lifetime to face exactly what we faced last year and continue to face.

Did Fauci make some mistakes? Some calls that turned out to be wrong? Of course, he did, Einstein. Speaking of which, from about 1918 (after general relatively) to his death, Einstein happened to be wrong on more things than he was right. Because that’s just the way science goes sometimes. Reasonable people understand that.

Don Jr. is not a reasonable person. He is too much like his father in that he doesn’t really understand any part of the world that doesn’t directly impact him, personally. Additionally, to not understanding, he also gets upset when something he doesn’t understand gets in the way of something he wants, something that inconveniences him. Like all Trumps, his “understanding” is that the world is supposed to serve him.

Fauci’s advice, at times, got in the way of what the entire Trump team thought it wanted to hear in order to benefit themselves. That is how the United Friggin’ States, the most sophisticated and richest country on earth, managed to humiliate itself in mismanaging COVID (from the top, and not from Fauci) to the extent it did. Only some of us lived to tell the tale, and Trump Sr. gave his best effort at not being here to hear it.

We reported just a day ago that Trump’s new theme in his new “comeback” is to make Fauci his enemy. It will be central to his message. Biden can’t be villianized. Biden won’t cooperate. Biden is too popular. Fauci it will have to be.

To that end, the day after Josh Hawley asked Fauci to resign, Don Jr. posts this:

This all centers around some of Fauci’s emails from last year that have been misconstrued, misquoted, and flat missed, as is typical “MAGA.” But the above is not typical, it might be Junion’s worst moment yet.

Fauci is working his ass off at an age most of the guys are at the club playing cards. Junior hasn’t worked a day in his life. It is difficult to conceive of a more offensive post.

Twitter was sickened:

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak