Politics - News Analysis

Sad, Lonely Trump Has Been Spotted Crashing Memorial Events Because He So Misses People Clapping for Him

Forgive us, it is Saturday night, and we all want some popcorn stuff on Saturday night.

Yes, the entertainment for the evening is a good read from Uproxx, summarizing a big Bloomberg deep dive, in which Bloomberg reports that Trump’s “friends” are growing increasingly concerned as the man walks aimlessly about Mar-a-Lago, crashing wedding receptions and even a memorial service… for a stranger. 

Of course new brides run the risk of  having the reception ruined, but that might’ve been the case for forty years with Trump in the building. Now one can’t go to Mar-a-Lago to memorialize a friend without the washed up music act using his tiny hands to play air accordian while rapping about 2020. Thanks Uproxx!

Apparently, Trump will “show up to anything,” including a gathering of Mar-a-Lago club members who recently got together to remember their late friend. As far as we know, Trump didn’t know the person in question, he just “sauntered in to deliver remarks and hung around,” enjoying the attention and praise from guests that he’s now become reliant on. And look, giving meandering speeches about how the 2020 Presidential Election was “stolen” from you at a stranger’s reception is one thing, but stealing the limelight from someone who’s just died because you need the extra attention is just bleak, even for Trump.

That is just so fcking true! But, look, if one is planning anything at Mar-a-Lago now, one has book it on a day that Trump is scheduled for dialysis at KFC or one just plans on having him show-up right as the dancing was about to start, or the speeches. How sick of a mother… how sick do you have to be to go talk 2020 at a memorial service!

Pretty sick, and that’s what has his buddies more than a bit concerned.

Trump’s still attending rallies, giving speeches, and forgetting how to properly wear a pair of pants — at one point the article compares his uniform of blue slacks, a white gold shirt, and a red MAGA hat to North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s infamous black Mao suit look — while Republican party members, even the ones who don’t like him very much, are courting his favor in hopes he’ll throw his support behind their campaigns. It all sounds like a Twilight Zone episode about the cult-like mentality of conservatism and it’s extremely off-putting.

Ya think?

Understand, of course, that for the last five years we’ve waited for the entire Republican party to pound their pointed heads against the wall and dump the guy. There are actually members of the Republican party advocating it, just not anyone with any power. But they have to read this Bloomberg article and rethink everything, including their own afterlife and whether they want Trump to be the guy crashing the memorial service. Actually, no worries, Trump’s not traveling to any memorials if he’s not featured, one way or another…

Have a good weekend everyone and don’t schedule anything in Florida, nothing. Stay safe!

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak


meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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