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This OAN Reporter is One of the Main Reasons Trump Believes He’ll Be Reinstated as President

It is exceedingly dangerous to have a conspiracy theorist leading a significant fraction of Americas who have become conspiracy theorists themselves. Donald Trump’s normal paranoia has naturally led to paranoia about who is out to get him and why. The most comforting answers – to Trump – are not, “Well, Joe Biden was out to get you by getting more votes.”

No, the answers Trump wants involve “proof” that massive cargo ships, picked up thousands of containers, stuffed with Biden votes, that were then offloaded and flown around the country, then dropped out of airplanes with parachutes into underground tunnels secretly controlled by Hillary and Obama and then delivered to precincts by illegal immigrants.

Maybe it’s not that bad. But we’re not even a half-year away from January 20th, there’s still plenty of time for Trump to refine his conspiracy theories to better fit his narrative. Meanwhile, Trump has some experts on his side helping out. OAN conspiracy theorist reporter Christina Bobb is apparently advising Trump as to which particular conspiracy theories are hot. Whether either one of them actually believes the theories, or simply believes they sound great is anyone’s guess.

But according to the New York Times [1], Bobb is the woman with the answers Trump needs:

Some of his aides are not eager to engage with him on his conspiracy theories and would like to see him press a forward-looking agenda that could help Republicans in 2022. People in his circle joke that the most senior adviser to the former leader of the free world is Christina Bobb, a correspondent with the far-right, eternally pro-Trump One America News Network, whom he consults regularly for information about the Arizona election audit.

Why does he need information on the Arizona audit?? The audit’s result is not in doubt. The only thing in doubt is… When they’ll announce their findings and the reasoning behind the discrepancies when they declare him the winner. Those conspiracy theories involve news that Trump desperately needs. He will demand that other states get their audits on.

Still, this is all just batshit crazy and again – as we continue to reiterate – very dangerous. The moment Arizona declares Trump the “real winner,” states will line up to do the same, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, all controlled by Republican legislatures. It will not lead to Trump’s reinstatement. But it will lead him to declare himself the provenĀ winner. It will allow him to demand reinstatement even though it’s impossible. It will lead to increased threats of violence when he’s not reinstated. And, obviously, it will be just more reinforcement for the MAGAs to never trust any election that they do not win.

It is, of course, crazy. But it is also far more cunning and dangerous than it first sounds.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak