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Trump Just Posted DISGUSTING Father’s Day Message to the Country … Proving He’s a Terrible Dad

“Life provides you with two choices, you can be a winner or you can be a loser.”

Fred Trump’s Deepest Lesson

The world has always been black and white to Donald Trump, just like his Dad told him. There was no nuance, no grays, no “Everybody wins some and loses some, it’s how you respond…” Nope. To Donald Trump, you were either a winner or a loser… or a woman.

Don’t get mad at us. Have you heard him talk about women as losers? No, Trump would call a woman “Dogface!” before he ever called one a “loser.” Trump deems women to be undeserving of the title “loser,” because one had to be in the game to compete. Women were trophies, not players.

Regardless, Trump never wavered from his father’s certainty, winners versus losers. We suspect that the boyhood admiration transitioned from winners actually winning, to labeling the people that helped him “winners,” and those who beat him, “losers.” Because everything is a competition and Trump doesn’t need to worry about guys who weren’t playing in the “game.” Those guys became chips to move around, one level above women. Chips could become winners.

Now, having entered political life, Trump still holds to the black and white simplicity of his youth. People who support him are winners, this would include “real Republicans,” Mohammed Bin Salam, Chuck Woolery, and Ted Nugent. Then there are the unfortunate people who don’t support him, the losers, the Democrats, Independents, Barack Obama, Michael Jordan, Justin Trudeau, various bankruptcy courts, airlines, steaks, Mitt Romney… Losers all. No women.

It is Fred’s ultimate failure. Never give a simple and dangerous thought to a very driven child. Even the world’s biggest winners lose sometimes. Michael Jordan only won six titles over twenty years! If only Fred has said “Above all else, love one another,” we wouldn’t have this, Trump’s Father’s Day message to the world:

“Happy Father’s Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world. Hopefully, eventually, everyone will come together!”

Right. Walk on down through and we’ll meet up.

Yes, hopefully, everyone will come together and throw him in prison, where he can tell everyone in A-Block about all the “losers” in B-block and the rest of the real world. No women. For now, let’s all come together and watch Twitter’s “Winner” today, #Fred’s Failure, from our brothers at Meidas (We met as kids), and we’ll finish off below.

Perfection. Happy Fathers Day to every dad who… loved their child enough to teach them that life is messy, gray, nuanced, and it damn sure includes women, dads who teach that the whole point is to be the best you can be today, especially when life knocks you down. Everyone gets knocked down sometimes, even Michael Jordan …and my dad, two of world’s biggest winners.


Happy Fathers Day
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak