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Trump Supporting MAGA Arrested After Defacing a Pride Mural to Celebrate Trump’s Birthday

This story has so much “MAGA” symbolism in it that we don’t even know where to begin.

How about with the very few available facts? A guy who looks like your average MAGA, except on the younger side, aged 20 (which we think almost makes the story eviler), has turned himself in after hearing that the police wanted him, due to defacing the rainbow mural painted on the road:

A Trump supporter who intentionally defaced a Pride mural that was painted on a crosswalk in Delray Beach, Florida, has turned himself in, according to local news reports.

Alexander Jerrich, 20, can be seen in a video using his truck to create skid marks on the mural while he was participating in a vehicle caravan [1] that was celebrating the birthday of former President Donald Trump on June 14.

Jerrich had been participating in a vehicle caravan? How perfectly Trump, the boat guy and truck guy. Don’t get out and go for a walk, don’t meet in a park with food and drinks, nope. Get your big-ass, standard-issue, GOP Truck and go drive along with other MAGAs, so as to make the entire town go slower and burn gas to own the libs.

Palm Beach Human Rights Council president Rand Hochsaid was saddened to learn of the mural’s defacement: “We made so much progress here in the last 30 years in LGBTQ issues, and to see someone do something like this just took me by surprise,” Hoch said.

Well, that’s the right sentiment. And even though no one on this staff is LGBTQ, we feel compelled to point out that, in this case, it is literally only one guy. There are going to be random assholes, especially 20-year-olds, no matter what. The fact that the mural was up in the first place is a sign that things are going in the right direction.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak