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Trump’s Former Doctor Demands Biden Take a Cognitive ‘Person, Man, Woman, Camera, TV… ‘ Test

We want a urine test, Ronny.

Yes, Trump’s former doctor, the one that gave him the cleanest bill of health one has ever seen, “fantastic genes” (something prized by the German Reich, wonder where Ronny got that, Trump make him say it? Curious). Ronny put Trump one pound under “Obese,” and basically said Trump was in perfect health except he wanted Trump to exercise more.

Every non-athlete that has ever visited the doctor has been told to exercise more. Nice one, doctor.

Ronny Jackson had to actually step down as White House doctor after… issues came up. For those of us who lived our entire lives, presuming that only the most experienced, sober, serious, and calm doctor could ever possibly be the president’s doctor, well, we were all wrong. Ronny Jackson was said to have had “issues” with medications and was not at 100% on several overseas trips. Interestingly, it is overseas where the president’s doctor might be most needed; “Dr. Jackson, do we fly him to an American hospital or military base or do we take him to the nearest hospital here?”

But Ronny Jackson is now Congressman Jackson, a Texas GOP MAGA representative and he damned well wants Biden to do “Man, woman, person…” test, stat! Actually, it is not funny because this meme has been circling around the MAGAs far too long now. We are positive Joe isn’t as spry and sharp as he was when he was thirty. On the other hand, he has 45 years of experience that he didn’t have when he was 30 and he’s plenty sharp enough to fall back on that experience.

We know which we would rather have, the experience, in us and definitely in the White House.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak