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Watch ‘Patriot’ MAGA Sen. Rick Scott Confuse the Pledge of Allegiance with the National Anthem

We want to live in a country where cops don’t take a knee on an unarmed black men’s neck until they suffocate.

Florida man Senator Rick Scott wants to live in a different kind of country. He is furious at those rich damned football players who take a knee when someone’s trying to pledge allegiance to a flag, Sen. Scott wants one where players feel proud to stand up when saying the pledge, or something.

Yes, Rick Scott was trying to be the “biggest faux-patriot” at the Faith and Freedom Coalition today, and to do that, one must throw some raw meat at his conservative friends (which is all they wanted, don’t worry). Scott looked like he got hit in the head or something because he got his wires crossed on cultural “issues” of the day. He got the pledge mixed up with the national anthem. We are pretty sure that Scott got Mr. Potato Head right, but given that they can’t just meaninglessly say “Back the Blue” anymore, maybe it’s all more complicated now.

Since the entire point of the “Florida Man” meme is to laugh at someone, we probably ought to take a timeout to watch this Florida man get his knees capped by such complex social issues:


What. The. Fck? Pampered? One can say a lot of things about rich, woke, black men in the NFL, and there are valid criticisms, but the one thing they’re not is “pampered.” Show us a Senator who cannot spell his name at age forty because he got hit in the head too many times at age 25 and we’ll talk about pampering. Or even better, show us one that cannot tell the difference between a pledge and a flag, and we’ll show you someone both pampered and still asleep. Wake up!

Jesus, these people.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak