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Capitol Rioter Says That Giving Him a Light Sentence Will Help Heal the Nation

This last week we reported on a protest occurring this weekend (Saturday) by far-right Florida political candidates. The candidates think that the rioters that protested on January 6th, leading to untold damage and injury, are being held in jail as “political prisoners.”

The vast majority are out on bond or their own recognizance and will be sentenced later. But one of the first rioters to face his sentencing hearing is Paul Hodgkins. From Rawstory summarizing the beast [1]: ‘

According to The Daily Beast, Paul Hodgkins’ attorney is asking for a “slap on the wrist” for his participation in the U.S. riots. In a sentencing memo to Judge Randolph D. Moss, the 38-year-old’s defense attorney Patrick Leduc argued that a lighter sentence for his client might actually “heal” the nation.

“This case is the story of a man who represents all that we would want in our fellow Americans,” Leduc said in the memo to Moss. “It is the story of [a] man who for just one hour on one day, lost his bearings and his way.

Leduc added, “A sentence that provides Paul Hodgkins ‘charity’ would go a very long way toward healing a nation in dire need of seeing what undeserved ‘grace’ looks like.

One thing that laypeople should keep in mind is that a defense attorney has to make an argument about something, and if that attorney knows he is in front of a very conservative judge, the judge might actually agree.

But if we handed out sentences based on one hour’s worth of bad behavior in an otherwise extraordinary life, we’d be doing a great injustice to victims everywhere. Many people have hours so bad that they had to know they were involved in something far too serious.

No, Mr. Hodgkin’s sentence should reflect the crime he’s charged with, the extent to which he did it, whether the judge sees any remorse, Hodgkin’s past criminal history, and whether he’s likely to re-offend. Sentences are meant to send messages to the country, they are about crime prevention. Do not do this, or you will find yourself in the same spot.

Arguing that a sentence would go a long way to heal the country is right out on the edge of completely irresponsible. We suspect the sentence will reflect the real concerns used in sentencing. It is important to note the argument in an environment when many of these people are considered political prisoners.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak