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Cotton: If You Leave Things to Health Officials They’re ‘Only Gonna Consider What’s Best for Public Health’

Senator Tom Cotton is, unfortunately, not a stupid man. In fact, he’s brilliant, which is a problem. He is brilliant enough that he can pull off acting like a stupid man to impress the Fox MAGA audience. As we reported on earlier this week, Congressman Eric Swalwell says that Republican-MAGA politics is professional wrestling, they know that they have to entertain, and they entertain by causing outrage. Tom Cotton wants people outraged that if it was left to public health officials, they’d only do things in the interest of public health.

Damn them.

Cotton explained it on Fox News:

Let me say, nobody elected the CDC. Nobody elected Tony Fauci to make these decisions. Advisers advise, elected officials decide.

And the American people elected Joe Biden and the members of Congress and our governors and state legislatures to make these decisions for us.

“If you just turn these decisions over to a bunch of public health bureaucrats, of course the only thing they’re gonna consider is what they think is in the best interest of public health.

Smart. Well reasoned. Except for one part. Fauci is advising. Cotton’s problem is that Joe Biden listens to advisers, especially things on public health, of which Biden knows little.

We realize that Cotton preferred Trump, who couldn’t have cared less what Fauci and others advised. But Tom, tough luck, bro. Largely because Trump screwed COVID up by ignoring advisers.

Most leaders have advisers to advise and then most uses that advice to form public policy. Even if it hurts the economy a little, and is an inconvenience, Biden sees his most important job as protecting the American people. Radical, we know. But get used to it.

Peace, y’all
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