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Lauren Boebert Loses it on the House Floor, Throws Mask in the Face Of Staffer Who Tried to Give Her One

It doesn’t matter who you are, or what the issue might be. As angry as one may find oneself in any given situation, it is one of those unwritten life “rules” that you do not abuse a third-party not involved in the situation. As an example, if one is an attorney arguing with another attorney and a staff member politely hands you something you’ve been fighting about, you don’t abuse the staff member who is merely doing his or her job, not the one making the decisions that anger a person.

Apparently, Lauren Boebert missed that class among the many others she’s missed along the way, the ones that teach “life’s rules” whether one is in High School or the United States House of Representatives.

Because too many MAGAs refuse to get the vaccine, the delta variant has come back with vicious tenacity. One of the only means left to fight it is to go back to masks when indoor in public places. The MAGA have only themselves to blame.

But if the MAGAs have shown us anything since the day Trump took the oath, it is that they are above the “rules” and no one is going to tell them what to do. Lauren Boebert embodies this spirit better than anyone and she violated that life rule by taking her anger out on an innocent staffer:

“Wow. GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert just threw a mask in the face of a floor staffer when she came to the floor not wearing one, per someone watching the exchange,” Ferris tweeted this Wednesday.

“Rep. Lauren Boebert just threw a mask back at a Democratic floor staffer who tried to give her one, per source on the House floor who saw it happen,”

If there were not children involved, innocent children who might lose parents or grandparents, we’d be very tempted to say let them have it. Let them cough all over themselves. There’s nothing more that can be done.

But there are children involved, including Lauren Boebert.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak