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MAGA Radio Host, Virulently Anti-Vax, Now in Critical Condition with COVID, NOW Says ‘Get Vaccinated!’

As we have said twice this week already, these reports are going to become increasingly common. When one combines three assumptions, articles like these are inevitable. First, we have a near miracle cure for COVID, developed by the world’s best scientists who worked 12 hour days, six days a week for six months. Second, the new COVID strain, the delta variant is far more virulent and makes people sicker. Third, somehow, the issue on vaccinations became politicized with the anti-science folks taking pride in ignoring science. And add it all together one has what has become for all intents and purposes, a MAGA disease. Evolution, if one can remain perfectly detached.

We don’t remain detached from suffering and dying and won’t take sense of pride or joy in watching what these people brought on themselves. If one starts wishing others physical harm or death, one begins their own death, the loss of their humanity. If one wants sarcasm and cynicism, there is plenty out there. It won’t be found here. We can be angry.

We have another burgeoning tragedy developing.

WKRN-TV reports [1] that the family of right-wing radio host Phil Valentine reports he as been hospitalized from the novel coronavirus and is in “very serious condition,” He is in critical care, it’s “critical.”

Of course, he had been viciously anti-vaxx.

On July 11th, Valentine still didn’t appreciate the danger:

“Yes, the rumors are true. I have COVID. Unfortunately for the haters out there, it looks like I’m going to make it. Interesting experience. I’ll have to fill you in when I come back on the air. I’m hoping that will be tomorrow, but I may take a day off just as a precaution.”

He took far more than a day off and the condition is interesting in its horror. And guess what? Another gravely ill MAGA has become very regretful, and sees the errors of his ways:

“Phil would like for his listeners to know that while he has never been an ‘anti-vaxer’ he regrets not being more vehemently ‘Pro-Vaccine’ and looks forward to being able to more vigorously advocate that position as soon as he is back on the air, which we all hope will be soon,” 

“Please continue to pray for his recovery and PLEASE GO GET VACCINATED!”

Fine. We don’t wish him harm but we damned well deserve to be very angry, so please to be fcking off now. It’s a little late for far too many MAGAs.

Just to bring the story full circle, even before there was a vaccine, the Trumper was acting like Trump:

Get well, and then get over yourself.


Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak