Politics - News Analysis

New Outrageous Excerpts From Book: Trump Aligns Himself with Capitol Rioters, ‘I Want What They Wanted’

Believe it or not, the media, including those of us at this site, ignore 75-90% of Trump’s musing, statements, and trips. But we do reserve space for statements or actions that truly constitute news due to the dangerousness of the message. We have seen judges cite Trump’s ongoing statements as a reason to keep the most dangerous rioters in jail awaiting trial. Judges reason that these people remain dangerous precisely because Trump won’t stop claiming that the election was rigged and something had to be done.

As of today, we have a new one. Trump still aligns himself entirely with even the people in the Capitol.

We now see excerpts from “I Alone Can Fix It,” a book from which excerpts have rocked the country, and we find yet another one in which Trump unapologetically aligns himself entirely with the rioters, while also spewing his biggest boasts:

“Personally, what I wanted is what they wanted,” Trump said of the rioters. “They showed up just to show support because I happen to believe the election was rigged at a level like nothing has ever been rigged before. There’s tremendous proof. There’s tremendous proof. Statistically, it wasn’t even possible that [Biden] won. Things such as, if you win Florida and Ohio and Iowa, there’s never been a loss.”

He isn’t hiding it. He wanted what they wanted, they were essentially working together. And then the con, “there’s tremendous proof,” when courts have analyzed that “proof” and tossed cases as being ridiculous given the lack of proof. He cites a completely irrelevant “statistic” as proof, winning Florida, Ohio, and Iowa.

Well, we can guarantee that someone can find some election in which someone won Florida, Ohio, and Iowa and still lost. We might also point out that people who win Florida, Ohio, and Iowa are the type that also counts          upon winning Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Virginia would normally offset a GOP stronghold and make those losses irrelevant.

But the critical point is that he aligns himself entirely with the rioters, to the point that he sees them as utterly blameless in this:

He chose to remark again on the size of the crowd. “I would venture to say I think it was the largest crowd I had ever spoken [to] before,” Trump said. “It was a loving crowd, too, by the way. There was a lot of love. I’ve heard that from everybody. Many, many people have told me that was a loving crowd. It was too bad, it was too bad that they did that.”

Many people have told him it was a loving crowd, a lot of love, which is disgusting given the number of injuries, one of which at least contributed to the death of a Capitol police officer. Trump then offered the most offensive revisionist history, whitewash:

Pressed again, Trump said he had hoped his supporters would show up outside the Capitol but not enter the building. “In all fairness, the Capitol Police were ushering people in,” Trump said. “The Capitol Police were very friendly. They were hugging and kissing. You don’t see that. There’s plenty of tape on that.”

No, we did see that and have demanded explanations through an investigation as to which cops might have been too sympathetic toward the rioters. Additionally, it sounds like Trump wants to entirely ignore the fact that during the second impeachment (and after) video of terrible violence exposed the crowds’ danger. Trump is also ignoring the fact that McCarthy called, begging for his life.

These admissions, coming straight from Trump, are the same statements that are keeping his supporters in jail as a continuing danger to society. Once again, Trump doesn’t care that he’s hurting other people or using them to further his cause. His own ego comes first no matter how many it hurts.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak




meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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