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New Scorching Video Excoriates Boebert and MTG for Voting to Break Promise to Afghani Heroes, ‘Axis of Evil’

It is because they’re brown and Islamic, we’re all aware of that, correct? If the people that bravely helped our service members were Swedes, they’d already be here and made officers in our military.

American troops in Afghanistan relied heavily upon Afghani sources and interpreters to keep our troops safe, at great risk to themselves. This isn’t difficult to understand. How much valuable information did our troops gain because these brave Afghanis came forward to help “the enemy,” whom they preferred over the Taliban? We can’t even say. We can say that the number would likely shock us because American troops who got to know these brave people have angrily fought to bring them to the United States, just as they promised would happen when recruiting them.

The fighting is winding down, our troops are finally pulling out for good, pretty soon the Taliban will be in control of the country again, and we all know what that means. Leaving those brave people and their families in Afghanistan would be a death sentence. Not only would it be inhumane, no other person, anywhere, ever, will ever help American troops again. We would lose service members in the future.

So Congress voted overwhelmingly to bring these heroes home along with our heroes. But, though the vote was overwhelming, it was not unanimous. Two of America’s biggest “Patriots” (self-proclaimed) voted to just dump these people to the animals in the Taliban, which is both anti-American and plain sick. It is also racist AF and everyone knows it. Throw in anti-Islamic for good measure. Yes, Boebert and MTG are cruel, what the Lincoln Project calls “the axis of evil” in our Congress.

Watch the video below while also considering that both of these people knew “January 6th would be “1776” beforehand. Strange coincidence, same moniker, similar tweets prior to the riot, no?


Disgusting people.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak