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Pale and Gaunt Trump Jealously Claims Biden’s First Six Months in Office Were the ‘Worst in the History of the Presidency

So, for reasons passing understanding, Trump had a rally today in Arizona. He was the main event at MAGAfest, and when we say “main event,” the analogy goes well beyond just the featured speaker. He looks to be the heavy-weight champion (very heavy) or Guns ‘n Roses at their peak:

Check out the intro, which would humiliate anyone but Donald Trump or Axel Rose:

Yes, opens with “Do You Miss Me Yet?” Umm, if you have to ask, doesn’t that mean… never mind.

Trump began by telling the audience that there is essentially no way for a Democrat to win the presidency (he doesn’t seem to care about the other elections) without cheating. This is a bold statement who never came within 2.5 million votes in either election, and averaged out to have lost by 5 million.

No one seems surprised that he went straight to the election “cheating” in the first five minutes. No transition, “Open borders, how about open borders” to “no way to win elections without cheating.

At least Newsmax referred to him as “former president,” which was nice of them. The guy introducing him didn’t. He will forever be their president.

One of the first tweets in response to the video nailed a very obvious fact:

He’s…. aged. Not good either. His health might save us.

It would be… just fine if his health prevented him from running, or rallying, or whatever. Unfortunately, he seems to be impervious to the least healthy lifestyle in history.

Trump then did his best to divide the current Republican party, bashing his nemisis, Gov. Ducey, who refused to cheat for Trump, and then goes right on to rip McConnell, who single handily protected Trump from a real investigation into January 6th. Trump best be careful.

He just cannot take the fact that there are Republicans that remain outside cultish devotion to all things Trump. It is unacceptable.

He went right back into rigged elections, the big lie, and then he lies in a whopper. He says if he actually lost the election, he would be fine with it.

If I “lost the election, I could handle it. If they rig it and steal it, that’s not easy…”

Trump then claimed that Biden’s first six months were the worst in the history of the presidency…apparently people are saying this. Which means it’s a lie, no one is saying that.

Jesus, this guy. And he really does look gaunt and pale. He has nothing new to say, perhaps that’s the biggest problem. He fears running out of material.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak