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Watch as Joe Biden Stuns Conservative Reporter Silent as He References Qanon in Answer

As we have said before, though we fully support police reform at every single level, whoever it was who came up with the “Defund the Police” mantra should be excommunicated from the Democratic Party. There has likely been no greater threat to the viability of the Democratic politicians, including Biden, and their election chances than the “Defund the Police” phrase. How that wasn’t readily apparent, that it would do the opposite of what the supporters planned, it simply beyond us.

Yesterday, a Daily Caller reporter, Shelby Talcott, somehow stopped President Biden long enough to ask a question:

“Mr. President, can you clarify what you said about no — that there’s no — no one in the Democratic Party is anti-police.”

We hope whoever came up with that statement and idea now understands just how damned dangerous it is as a premise. “Reform policing”? Yes. “Defund the police,” no, because no matter what he or she meant, it would be taken as destroy the police. It put Biden in an awkward spot, which he then masterfully twisted on the reporter:

I didn’t say that, I said that that — that is not the Democratic Party’s position. I’m the Democratic Party; I am President. So is the Speaker of the House and so is the –- the Majority Leader. We are not defunding the police.

So good, so far. But Talcott still thought she had him:

“And are there people who — in the Democratic Party, who want to defund the police?

Tough question. So, Biden, being the sharp politician that he is (hardly sleepy Joe) doesn’t answer the question, and instead asks his own:

“Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?

Talcott was so stunned she couldn’t answer, Biden walked away, the undisputed winner in a technical knockout.


So perfect.

It is perfect.

Peace, y’all
[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak