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Newsmax’s Greg Kelly Slams Obama for Having Birthday Party, Uses Racist ‘Lazy Black Man’ Trope

Who here got their invitation to Obama’s birthday party? Anyone? No? Besides the owner of this site, who may take someone out of pity, maybe, did anyone else get an invite to Obama’s party? Don’t worry, don’t feel bad, we know another guy who did not get an invitation. Newsmax’s Greg Kelly. And whether Kelly hates Obama or not (he does) Kelly would chew his left arm off to be at that party, everyone is going to be there.

So Greg Kelly threw a temper-tan-trump on air, about Obama holding a “super spreader birthday party” and – no, we are not kidding. He said that he last celebrated his birthday at about age 12 (if no one will come to your party, no point in celebrating), and then proceeded to go through every horrific black racial stereotype in existence, just to get back at Obama. We are sure it hurt.

Kelly began by saying that Obama is a “billionaire.” And, while it is true that the Obamas are now a very rich couple, they are a zero short of that billionaire thing. But take heart, they could easily be a zero above Trump! And they’re still young and hot! Maybe soon. Regardless, Kelly lied, on purpose.

He then started questioning what Obama ever did to earn any of that money. Cue the lazy black man thing.

“Everything is great for him. he’s a billionaire, and it just hit me today. You know, he’s never really had a job. We all know he never broke a sweat as president.”

So it’s Obama’s fault that he was in such good shape that he wasn’t red and puffy walking from the helicopter? It is Obama’s fault that he prepared well ahead of time? It is Obama’s fault that the no “drama Obama” White House worked like a well-oiled machine in such a way that it made it look easy? We actually all saw how hard it was under Trump.

“How about in his way UP the ladder, huh? Night school position at Chicago law school. I don’t think he worked too hard there.

Notice that Greg skipped right over graduating from Harvard Law School as editor of Law Review, which is the closest thing a law school has to a position that says, “Smartest person around.” Additionally, one can be as smart as Barack Obama and one will not succeed at any law school without putting in a lot of work.

The University of Chicago is an elite law school, the only way a 26-year-old would be asked to teach Constitutional law at night is if he was an elite professor who knew what he was talking about. By the way, Greg, we’d be impressed if you could spell constitution, never mind pass law school class on it. Obama taught after working a full day as a community organizer in Chicago. Republicans joke about community organizers, but Republicans have their own community organizers, they’re called “President of Rotary.”

Kelly then said: How hard do you have to work on those books when you are the subject when you write about yourself?”

Pretty hard when you don’t hire a ghostwriter. Where’s your book, Greg? Or does no one want to read about you?

“And I know being Mr. Michelle Obama was probably challenging at times, but basically he’s had a very cake life.”

Being “Mr. Michelle Obama” is the one title cooler than being “Mr. President” and Greg Kelly knows it. He is on shaky ground here. Michelle Obama happens to be the most popular person in the world. There are even some men that would give up a shot at the presidency to have a shot with someone a lot like “Mrs. Obama.”

Kelly then had to throw in the obligatory stuff about violence in Chicago, something that Trump finally got around to fixing, thankfully, since Obama was too lazy to do anything about it. (Kelly’s overall message).

All of this came about because Obama is holding a big birthday party, a “super spreader event,” and Kelly would make out with Harvey Weinstein if it meant he could attend. But Greg Kelly wasn’t invited. Maybe he could ask if Nicole if she might take… Nah, the guy’s hurting bad enough. No need to rub it in and have her laugh in his face…

By the way, we seem to recall another guy holding real super spreader events, before there was a vaccine. We don’t recall hearing anything from Kelly about it.

[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak