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Bombshell: House Select Committee to Depose Meadows, Bannon, Scavino in THREE Weeks

Credit where due. The House Select Committee has shown itself to be sober, serious, active, concerned and proceeding with a seriousness of pace. The same committee that took on the entire Republican establishment in demanding all communication records from select members has also already sent out its first demand for documents and – this is key – a subpoena to be deposed in front of the committee.

Yes, someone is finally going to have to answer regular questions put forth by Bennie Thompson and other regular geniuses. From the NYT [1]:

The subpoenas, the first the panel has issued, seek information from Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff; Dan Scavino Jr., who was a deputy chief of staff; Stephen K. Bannon, Mr. Trump’s former adviser; and Kash Patel, the former Pentagon chief of staff.

The committee is demanding that the four men turn over documents by Oct. 7 and submit to depositions the following week.

“The select committee is investigating the facts, circumstances and causes of the Jan. 6 attack, and issues relating to the peaceful transfer of power, in order to identify and evaluate lessons learned and to recommend to the House and its relevant committees corrective laws, policies, procedures, rules or regulations,” Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and chairman of the committee, wrote in a statement announcing the subpoenas.

Three weeks. They are giving them three weeks to get their stories straight and two weeks to comply with the documents. Of course, there is a chance that one or all will seek a court order blocking the depositions but… why would they do that? They did nothing wrong, remember? We all remember the second impeachment, it is nothing more than some protesters getting out of hand.

What could possibly stop them from testifying?

[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak