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Trump Now Demands Election Audits in All 50 States, and INSISTS Arizona Decertify Biden’s Win

This is how one destroys democracy, or at least this is one way. Earlier this week, Steve Schmidt noted that the Republican refusal to raise the debt limit is intended to create chaos, perhaps plunge the world into a global depression, the U.S. defaults on debts, the Republicans cause chaos  (at the expense of most Americans) under a Democratic president and then promise normalcy if they could only get in power. It’s a classic recipe for autocracy.

But there is another critical component. Elections must become irrelevant. Faith in elections must disappear to the point that they’re seen as worthless, ritual exercises in which the winner is predetermined by voting laws so targeted that the result is preordained, exactly like the situation in Russia.

Russia has elections. They don’t mean anything. Russia has a constitution that had limited the presidency, Putin put the constitutional amendment to a vote (preordained) and the constitution was amended to allow him to be president for as long as he wants. He will win elections.

Now think about all those MAGAs running for Secretary of State and their agenda.

Propaganda, autocracy, dictatorships, control, it is a science. The propaganda, the manipulation, the populism, the ultra-nationalism, it has been studied and refined, almost exclusively in Eastern Europe and it’s now happening here (and in other places, but the focus is on the United States). It is all just a bit too perfect for some of us to believe that the situation has been formed organically within a small group of American advisors. We are forced to wonder whether someone suggested Trump throw this out there:

See? Every election is suspicious. Every election should be audited, it results in chaos, chaos of the type that a strongman ruler can demand control. If the Democrats narrowly win the Senate and House in 2022, or the White House in 2024 we can now just expect chaos in the aftermath and a real fight, perhaps a physical fight, for control.

This is how it is done.

[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak