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Candace Owens Wants American Troops to Invade Australia to ‘Spread Democracy’

Conservative commentator and rabid anti-vaxxer [1] Candace Owens went off the deep end again, on her self-titled Daily Wire television show. This time she has it in for Australia and has called upon the U.S. military to invade the country, which she described as a “tyrannical police state,” The Independent [2] reports.

Why is she in such a stew over Australia? Well, she says she has family living there, and “the mental state of everyone around her was in steep decline.”

Owens recited a laundry list of Australia’s COVID laws and launched into a tirade in which she called for military intervention.

“When do we deploy troops to Australia? When do we invade Australia and free an oppressed people who are suffering under a totalitarian regime? When do we spend trillions of dollars  to spread democracy in Australia?”

That comment is so unintentionally funny that I almost snorted coffee up my nose while laughing. Australia totalitarian? Really? Guess she never heard of North Korea or something. This from a woman who tweets ridiculous things like this:

Owens also ridiculously described New York’s mandate that healthcare workers be vaccinated as “tyranny,” and said that those who resist the vaccine should look to find work in other parts of the country, Newsweek [4] reports.

But Australian citizens, she claimed, “are quite literally being imprisoned against their will,” and that the government had destroyed “the most basic of individual freedoms.”

Then she stepped the hysteria up a few more notches by comparing Australia’s government to Hitler and Stalin.

“Tyranny. Totalitarianism. The kind that gives birth to evil dictatorships and human atrocity. We are watching a replay of the early ambitions of Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez,” she said.

Jeez. Someone give this poor woman a Xanax. She’s connecting the dots all wrong, comparing Australia to the Taliban but that doesn’t stop her. Nope.

“Can anybody explain to me why the Australian government is any better or any nobler than the Taliban?”

Uh, well maybe the government down under is better because no one loses their life for not wearing a mask?

Perhaps logic is not Owens’ strong suit, because she concluded by saying:

“Both groups believe they have a right to oppress and a right to imprison people for their own good.”

Owens is a Trump supporter and has long been an anti-vaxxer who has spoken out against government lockdowns and social distancing measures.

But according to the World Health Organization, [5] while there have been 149, 398 reported cases of COVID-19 from January 3, 2020, to October 21, 2021, only 1,577 deaths have been reported. Compare that to the U.S. where according to the Centers for Disease and Prevention, more than 45 million cases have been reported since January 23, 2020, and October 20, 2021. COVID  has killed more than 730,000.

Quite obviously, whatever Australia’s government is doing, it’s doing it right. It would be nice if Owens would pack it in right about now. But she won’t. Which is tragic because she clearly misleads people, although some of her remarks are so preposterous it’s difficult to see how any rational person could believe her.

But I’m guessing it’s not rational folks who keep her going.