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Former DOJ Official Who Tried to Help Trump Overturn the Election Can’t Find a Job Now

Uh-oh, looks like the Trump taint has struck again. So who’s been smacked this time? Apparently, the far-right attorney who tried to take control of the Department of Justice in order to keep Donald Trump in office even though he lost the 2020 presidential election.

Yessiree, Jeffrey Clark, the aforementioned attorney who’s also the former United States Assistant Attorney General tried this anti-democratic nonsense is now feeling the professional consequences of his actions, Raw Story [1] and Business Insider [2] report.

“The Trump taint is sticking to Jeffrey Clark. In the 10 months since the would-be Justice Department coup, Clark’s name has been scrubbed from the conservative legal group where he’d landed his first post-Trump job. He lawyered up in the face of congressional scrutiny. But just days before his Friday interview with the House committee investigating the January 6 siege, Clark parted ways with the defense lawyer Robert Driscoll, Politico reported late Wednesday.”

Clark’s just the latest in a string of attorneys who’ve had their wings clipped because they are linked to Trump.

“In the eyes of several former colleagues, Clark has joined the ranks of once-respected conservative lawyers — including former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the former prosecutor Sidney Powell, and the constitutional scholar John Eastman — who have been burned flying too close to Trump,” per Business Insider’s report.

One former official admits he feels pity for Clark.

“Honestly, I feel bad that the guy appears to have been canceled. He made his own bed, but I don’t wish anyone to be unemployable,” the source said.

Yeah, well perhaps, but Clark showed a glaring lack of judgment by pulling the shenanigans he did. Fortunately, it wasn’t disastrous, but it could have been. I’m not an expert on these things and to me, it didn’t seem likely that he’d succeed doing this but what would have happened if he did pull this off?

So Clark’s definitely made that bed and he’s facing the repercussions.

As my dear old daddy used to say, “When you lay down with dogs, you get fleas.”