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Meidas Touch and Michael Rapaport Team Up for Brilliant Satire Movie Mocking Trump Supporters (WATCH TRAILER)

“The Supporters” appears to beĀ the “must-see” movie for political junkies who really love to watch people mock and humiliate Trump supporters. There are some of us that simply shudder upon watching others humiliate themselves and immediately change the channel (or location) and then there are those… like my brothers at Meidas Touch, and The Good Liars, who revel in it. Most, by far, can’t get enough of it when done perfectly, this looks perfect.

The premise is so obviously brilliant and epic that one is almost embarrassed that he or she didn’t come up with it themselves. The characters pretend to be MAGA podcasters, they use the “Art of the Deal” as a cookbook in an attempt to get a show on Fox. Somehow the book fails them. Our fearless duo then starts attending real political rallies in Iowa, rallies from both parties, while generally embarrassing themselves and everyone around them by staying “in character,” in other words – assholes. They also try to befriend Don Jr. who also plays an asshole, in and out of character, which would have made the three amigo ass… three of them.

We swear to god, had one of them worn huge blue jean overalls and a red MAGA hat to a Trump rally and suddenly had a chicken jump out of the ass of the overalls, it would easily win the Academy Award for Best Motion Picture. Trump would’ve hidden behind the Secret Service, who likely would have ended the life of the poor bird. And, well, don’t put chicken meat near Trump, he would have had someone deep fry that fcker on Air Force One.

The entirety of the above is a Borat reference, and (promise) perhaps the lightest Borat reference possible. We could’ve referenced sh*t in that movie that…,), and if you haven’t seen Borat then you probably shouldn’t … you probably should see “The Supporters!”

It actually does look hilarious and the premise is so perfect it makes a writer want to knee cap all of them. Instead, we’re here to support our brothers in arms at Meidas and the Good Liars. (No financial ties), and present the new trailer:

Sweet baby Jesus speaking at the Cedar Rapids Rotary, that looks funny. Then again, there are some of us that feel the humiliation these brilliant actors should feelĀ while going about their art.

Absolutely brilliant. We give it no stars… yet, because we haven’t seen all of it. But we’ve been promised a sneak preview and it will most certainly be reviewed.


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak