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Melania Trump Once Made a Mistake So Bad That Even SHE Knew She Messed Up

Melania Trump has almost seemed impervious to scrutiny, uncaring about the public’s opinion of her. Slapping her husband’s hand away, who cares? Plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speeches, who cares? Perhaps being a hypocrite for promoting her “Be Best” campaign when her husband may be the worst person on the planet? So what? Or if she enabled her husband’s horrible behavior, well hey, why not whistle and look elsewhere? Ain’t nothin’ to see here folks.

Except when there is. According to Stephanie Grisham, former press secretary and aide to the former first lady, who reports Melania soon realized she’d made a public relations blunder of epic proportions after she wore that controversial “jacket,” The Mercury News [1] reports.

You know which jacket I’m talking about — the green Zara jacket she wore in June 2018 that bore the words “I really don’t care, do u?” Which she wore while boarding a plane to visit immigrant children who’d been separated from their parents at the Texas/Mexico border.

That resulted in a media firestorm and public outrage (because really, what sort of monster wears something like that in front of children torn away from their parents?) But as the situation continued to blaze out of control, Melania turned to her husband’s staff to do damage control. Grisham, in her new tell-all book I’ll Take Your Questions Now, notes this is something Melania rarely did.

“That suggested to me that although she wouldn’t admit it, she knew she had messed up royally and that she was responsible for all of it,” Grisham writes. “For the first and only time that I ever saw, Mrs. Trump put herself at the POTUS Twitter account.”

But the weird thing is, according to Grisham, who devoted an entire chapter in her book to this now infamous jacket, Melania’s intentions were actually good. She was “genuinely upset and concerned” about the welfare of the children who were now trapped in detention centers due to her husband’s immigration policies. Grisham reports she Melania wanted to see for herself how the children were faring.

So why in the gefuddlehoppers wear that stupid jacket?

On the day of the flight, Grisham was busy with other details and wasn’t with Melania when the motorcade left the White House for Joint Base Andrews. So Grisham was unaware that she wore the jacket. And apparently, there is the tiniest bit of good news in this steaming pile of stupidity: Melania shed the jacket before visiting the children.

So at least there’s that.

Grisham writes she didn’t really know about the jacket until they were on their way back to Washington. Stories featuring photos of Melania wearing the jacket were beginning to pop up on news stations and on social media. Folks were wondering if the former first lady was sending a message for her husband, or to her stepdaughter Ivanka Trump? Or maybe the Democrats or the media?

Or was she commenting on those innocent children locked in cages through no fault of their own?

A reporter texted Grisham, asking for a statement about the jacket and sending along a photo of the jacket.

“When I saw it I cringed,” she writes. ” Of all the many, many articles of clothing Mrs. Trump had available to her, all the great designs (her stylists) had put together, she’d decided to travel to border states where kids were being held in detention wearing a grass-colored that in bright white letters read “I don’t really care, do u?”

At one point Grisham asked Melania why she wore it. Her response?

“It’s just a jacket.”

Grisham decided to downplay the issue to the reporter, inferring that there was no hidden message and that it was silly to suggest that a piece of clothing meant Melania didn’t care about kids in detention camps.

Later on, she learned Melania had ordered the jacket without consulting her stylist. And she adds she never did get a clear answer about why Melania wore something so obviously insensitive during a quite obviously politically sensitive moment.

“I truly don’t know the answer,” Grisham writes. “In any event, a well-meaning excursion had turned into another major PR disaster for the Trump White House. As if we needed it. … The truth was such a stupid mistake, exacerbated by her stubbornness.”

Melania being Melania she kept pretending not to care until she met up with Donald Trump at the White House, who did happen to care.

When she entered the private dining room at the White House, Trump looked up angrily at Melania, who was still wearing the jacket.

“What the hell were you thinking?”

That may be the only time in his entire presidency that Trump ever asked a good question.

I mean really, what the hell was she thinking?