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Trump Throws a Hissy Fit Because Fox News is Airing ‘Horrible’ Commercials About Him

It was a theme many of us became familiar with during his presidency: “UNFAIR!” That was almost his favorite word, it seemed like, whenever he saw something unflattering about himself on television.

That’s a hard line to walk, though, when you consider anything truthful to be unflattering. From the start, Trump always had the option of just trying to suck a little less, but he rarely considered it.

Even after leaving office, though, his narcissism seems to be getting the best of him. He’s still scanning the news and even the commercial breaks for anything he thinks is unfair to him. Like most Republicans — in fact, like the prototype Republican — he believes he should be able to say anything he likes without consequences.

But in an expert bit of trolling, some anti-Trump groups have taken it on themselves to develop a strategy of just provoking the former president. That’s what led to Sunday’s outburst from the failed steak salesman:

More whining from 45
There were no “good old days” under Trump.

So what was Donnie mad about? According to Brett and Ben Meiselas, the co-founding brothers of MeidasTouch.com, it was an ad they ran mocking Trump for not going to Virginia to stump for the Republican candidate in the election for governor.

MeidasTouch bought an ad buy that would specifically run in Trump’s market, beaming straight to his big-screen TV at Mar-a-Lago, and it appears to have gotten under his skin, just as intended. They jabbed at him with a tweet after his statement, saying “We just broke Trump. We didn’t think we could break him any more than we already had. But we did. After we put our ad on the air at Mar-A-Lago that is humiliating him for not coming to Virginia. He wants to come so badly.”

And what an ad it was!

All the trigger words are there: Weak, scared, coward. It’s a wonder Trump didn’t have an aneurysm on the spot when he saw a commercial come on depicting him as less brave than even the First Lady.

Are these ads petty? Sure. But they sure are fun, and they’re doing exactly what the creators intended.