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Don Jr. Becomes a WORLDWIDE Laughing Stock After Posting Video of His Father Dancing

We have long suspected that Don Jr. has become completely unhinged. There are a lot of pictures out there that seem to indicate that he’s not physically healthy – and we’ll leave it at that. And his judgment is more questionable than ever. Everything is relative, of course.

It was just two days ago that Jr. had to quickly delete a tweet in which he gushed about one of the major g*n manufacturers donating a new AR-15 to Kyle Rittenhouse, just what the kid needed and probably will find in his stocking.

Don Jr. finally found something that even he couldn’t swallow and deleted it after a couple of hours. We suspect it was only after “strong encouragement” by someone who acts almost as an adult minder of these people.

Yesterday, Junior released one of the most insane and – honestly – disturbing tweets we’ve seen in a long time. Not only is it so utterly bizarre that one fears for the mind that created it, it also shows an obsession within the Trumps that, well – again, is just amazingly singular in its focus. It’s frightening, as if they have no lives outside “trolling” Biden.

As framed by The Independent [1]:

Donald Trump Jr. rounded off his Thanksgiving celebrations on Thursday by posting a bizarre edited clip of 1980s movie National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation with a super-imposed Donald Trump dancing out of a turkey.

The viral video has had more than a million views since it was posted on Twitter and Instagram.

Mind you, this is from a British news site, so Junior is even a laughing stock across the pond, and surely beyond.

If you are able to figure out what makes that entertaining and funny, you are more creative and intelligent than this staff (medium bar).

But it sure did stir up the net:


[email protected] and on Substack: Rittenhouse-Atty-Fury/SCOTUS Gate/Pick Six [19]