Politics - News Analysis

Kyle Rittenhouse and His Mother Believe They Deserve the $2 Million in Bail Money Raised for Them — Others Disagree

Kyle Rittenhouse will still be spending quite a bit of time and money in courtrooms for the foreseeable future. The families of the victims have already filed a lawsuit against the Kenosha Wisconsin PD for not arresting or at least halting Rittenhouse from walking the streets with an AR-15 (illegally) in an already tense situation.

The lawsuit is filed against the police department, in part, because the department, surely has insurance for this type of lawsuit. If the families “win,” they will at least get something worth their effort in damages. The families would likely sue Rittenhouse himself if he had enough money to go after, it appears that he might.

Rittenhouse and his mother want to keep the money donated to him to keep him out on bail and for his defense fund. The donors want the money back.

According to the Chicago Tribune:

Kyle Rittenhouse is expected to face another legal battle soon over the $2 million bail posted after his arrest. Rittenhouse’s attorneys filed a motion shortly after the verdict, arguing that the money should be given to the teenager because it was raised on his behalf.

Amazingly, the attorneys will likely get paid out of the fund either way because the fund was to be used in Rittenhouse’s defense, so even if most of the money is returned, a portion will certainly be used to pay the legal bills incurred in this right.

The Fightback Foundation — an organization run by right-wing lawyer Lin Wood — filed a motion shortly after the verdict Friday askingthat the money be refunded to that group. The seven-figure amount, however, was posted by Rittenhouse’s former attorney John Pierce and included contributions that Rittenhouse’s mother, Wendy, helped collect.

We guarantee there is very little caselaw in this area and the ruling will be based primarily upon who promised who what and who is asking for what:

“While we’re busting our humps trying to raise money and see Kyle acquitted, Lin Wood is sending letters to the court DURING Kyle’s hearing to demand $2M in donations FOR KYLE be given to HIM,” stated a post on the fund’s Twitter account. “Lin Wood … keeping it classy as always.”

Well, Lin Wood needs money every bit as much as Kyle! Of course, Lin Wood is not a MAGA hero, having lost his causes. For now, just about the entirety of MAGA world adores Rittenhouse and holds him out as a hero, but now there is money involved and money has a way of changing one’s emotions rather quickly.

It will be interesting to watch. One almost hopes that the Court decides to keep it for all the money spent in trying the case. It won’t happen, but if one had to cheer for an outcome, a donation to… the Boys and Girls Club (maybe the judge would go for that) would be the best outcome.


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meet the author

Jason Miciak is a political writer, features writer, author, and attorney. He is originally from Canada but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He now enjoys life as a single dad raising a ridiculously-loved young girl on the beaches of the Gulf Coast. He is very much the dreamy mystic, a day without learning is a day not lived. He is passionate about his flower pots and studies philosophical science, religion, and non-mathematical principles of theoretical physics. Dogs, pizza, and love are proof that God exists. "Above all else, love one another."


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