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MAGAs Still Criticizing VP Harris’s ‘Pot’ Get Embarrassing Reminder About Melania’s Jacket in Italy

The numbers show a small bump in inflation and a small supply problem, both are global issues not confined to the United States. Fox has taken the situation and used it as propaganda 24 hours a day to convince its viewers that the economic situation in the United States is dire. They are all about to go broke and the next Great Depression is right around the corner.

And yet the numbers say that the economy is actually booming:

Of course, this is to be expected when one tries “trickle up” to fix an economy, give money to people who will spend it, rather than trickle-down, which has never once worked.

But because the situation at home has so many Americans “suffering” (so much so that spending is up 40%), Fox News continues to pound on Vice President Harris (who happens to be a woman of color) purchasing a $375 pot in France. Now the GOP has jumped on:

Of course, as we said above, memes like this work infinitely better with POC because there is very often deep resentment in a white American watching Fox, seeing any person of color, even the Vice President, purchase something that that American could not afford. Additionally, it would be fascinating to know how much of the Obama hatred came from nothing more than eight years of watching a beautiful black family, enter Air Force One, as if they were entitled to or something.

Having more money than the average person is much easier to get away with when white – that’s the proper order of things and doesn’t get quite the same reaction from the Right. It is for that reason that the reaction to every tweet complaining about Vice President Harris’s “pot” should be followed with this tweet:

Right. The “other” jacket, the one that costs more than the average American’s annual income. While on the subject, we’d be doing a disservice if we didn’t point out that, apparently, it costs tens of thousands of dollars to make a jacket tacky and ugly enough for a high-end “wife” like Melania. When you see a jacket that grotesque, you know where those three extra zeroes went.

Or how about this? $75K for a purse. A freaking handbag!

Regardless, the takeaway is only this. The economy is actually stronger than it’s been in some time and the weaknesses we see are global economic issues, not national. And, of course, the MAGAs will always resent POC who have more money than that particular white person watching Fox.

Obviously, it’s fine for Melania to wear her $51K jacket… after all, they’re rich and there’s no law against that, so long as you’re white.


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