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Melania Trump Uses Three Straight Thanksgiving Days to Promote, Surprise Surprise — Herself

This site has never once spared Melania Trump from the criticism she so richly deserved. But with pride, on the rare occasion that she did or said something right, we covered it and so said. This story crawls right up to the line as to whether it’s Mel being selfish Mel, or just a semi-decent and expected Thanksgiving message(s).

It is the three days in a row featuring pictures of Melania that tilt it for us and we will give her all the criticism she deserves for her posts issued by the official “Office of Melania Trump.” She has an office that does nothing but promotes her “work” and lashes out at people who criticize her. Oh, and of those “three days in a row,” the third day was linking an article to the same message.

Which made it an easy call at that point.

As said above, the Office (Melania) used three straight days, to put out three straight, somewhat appropriate messages, all of which prominently featured pictures of Melania as the hero.

The messages themselves sound okay:

Nov. 24th

This #Thanksgiving [1] I want to express my gratitude to the families who open their hearts & homes to foster children & to those who serve in the child welfare community. Thank you @4KIDSUS [2] for working tirelessly to ensure the health & safety of these children.

Nov. 25th

Thanksgiving is about gratitude, reflection, & giving back to our communities. Thank you @4KIDSUS [2] for showing me the wonderful network you have built to support our Nation’s children. Your work is inspirational & essential to helping those in need. #HappyThanksgiving [3]

Nov. 26th

Her two earlier tweets get her desperately needed media coverage and her office links that media message to another tweet:

Melania Trump spent two hours Wednesday meeting with foster children and families at the Palm Beach, Florida location of 4KIDS

Now, she could have easily put out those messages as is and there would be nothing to criticize, other than possible spamming. But notice who stars in each message:

Nov. 24th:

Nov. 25th

Yes, Melania, it seems Melania is thanking Melania for the work she has done at least as much as thanking the programs. One message, saying the same thing all said, with perhaps one picture with you in it, of the four, would have been more than enough, Mel.

Instead, this looks like a flier demonstrating the wonderful contributions made by the former FLOTUS. In other words, just Trumpian crap.


[email protected] and on Substack: Rittenhouse/Atty Fury/No SCOTUS Gate/Pick Six [14]