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Texas is Being Covered with Billboards Saying ‘Trump Lost’ โ€” Funded by Furious Republicans

People may think that states where Trump won the election in 2020 would be safe from conspiracies, but they would be wrong. Even strongly Republican states have their theorists, and Texas is no exception.

But other Republicans in those same states are tired of watching the nonsense being dragged out. The election is over and Joe Biden won fair and square.

Now, billboards are popping up in Texas that say that very thing, and they’re being paid for by conservatives who are openly disgusted by the efforts of some to call the election into question.

In San Antonio, a Republican stronghold, billboards paid for by “Republicans for Voting Rights” have declared that “Trump Lost,” and call on the state legislature to stop doing the audits that Trump has demanded in the state. After all, what’s the point of auditing the electoral results of a place where Trump won in the first place?

Recounting the election simply draws into question the outcomes of other races where Republican candidates won.

The group has spent a quarter of a million dollars putting up the signs in Texas, Georgia, Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Arizona. In that last state, an audit actually came up withย more votes for Biden than he had on election night.

But in Texas and Florida, where Trump won, he has continued to call for audits of the results. It makes no sense, it costs taxpayer money, and Republicans who understand how math works are sick of it.