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REPORT: Navarro Admits Planning Jan. 6th and Directly Implicates Ted Cruz, ‘Cruz Did Exactly what Was Expected…’

From Trump’s point of view, January 6th was about one man and only one man, Mike Pence. We had already seen the PowerPoint plans, all of which had Pence front and center. Simply put, nothing could be done if Pence did his constitutional duty within the Senate chambers on January 6th.

Any thing or event that changed that dynamic would create a situation where everything from that point on was outside the letter of the Constitution and thus up for grabs. From Trump’s point of view, anything that prevented Pence from doing his job was a win.

The Daily Beast just published an excerpt [1] of an interview done with Navarro ahead of his new book in which Navarro outsmarts himself and makes a startling admission. They had a plan, it was “working beautifully,” and it involved Ted Cruz:

In his recently published memoir, Peter Navarro [2], then-President Donald Trump’s trade advisor, details how he stayed in close contact with Bannon as they put “Green Bay Sweep” in motion with help from members of Congress loyal to the cause

Note the language, a football play, a sweep, blockers, outside pushing people away from the guy with the ball.

“We spent a lot of time lining up over 100 congressmen, including some senators. It started out perfectly. At 1 p.m., Gosar and Cruz did exactly what was expected of them,” Navarro told The Daily Beast. “It was a perfect plan. And it all predicated on peace and calm on Capitol Hill. We didn’t even need any protestors, because we had over 100 congressmen committed to it.”

He says “peace and calm” and then promptly admits it would never have worked with peace and calm. “We had over 100…”

There was a “plan.” Gosar and Cruz played their role. Then Navarro says the stupidest thing of all. “We didn’t need protesters because we had 100…” which meant fck all that day. They didn’t have enough votes in either the Senate or the House to do a thing. What was “perfect” about this? Don’t worry, he’s about to tell us.

Navarro gives the game away entirely:

This last-minute maneuvering never had any chance of actually decertifying the election results on its own, a point that Navarro quickly acknowledges.

Okay – so get that? It had NO chance of working on its own, even Navarro acknowledges it.

But their hope was to run the clock as long as possible to increase public pressure on then-Vice President Mike Pence to send the electoral votes back to six contested states, where Republican-led legislatures could try to overturn the results.

Wow. If one’s plan was to “run the clock as long as possible to increase PUBLIC PRESSURE on then VP Mike Pence, it sure would be helpful to have the entire process and Capitol shut down by hordes of extremely well-prepared crowds (Maps, Bear Spray, Shields), many of whom chanting “Hang Mike Pence” and even a noose famously pictured outside. That sounds like the perfect way to “slow things down” and pressure Mike Pence. Indeed, they could slow it down for 1-2 days and take Pence out of the picture. It is so perfect, that it sounds almost planned.

And in their mind, ramping up pressure on Pence would require media coverage. While most respected news organizations refused to regurgitate unproven conspiracy theories [3] about widespread election fraud [4], this plan hoped to force journalists to cover the allegations by creating a historic delay to the certification process.

Hey, wow, another way to FORCE journalists to cover the certification process would be to have the Capitol overrun with rioters intent upon hanging people, sitting in the Speakers’ chair, lighting fires, fighting with police, all kinds of things that would both “get media attention” and normally have a Vice President taken away by the Secret Service, “for his own protection.”

Staffers for Cruz and Gosar did not respond to requests for comment.

No sh*t? If these two knew of “the Green Bay Sweep” and how badly they needed delay, pressure on Pence, and media coverage, all handled by Bannon, Navarro, (and Flynn, Stone, and others), then it might seem as though Cruz knew something was coming, some pressure that would bring about all the above, which would make Cruz liable for maybe… treason?

Never forget, Liz Cheney knew exactly what was happening when she approached Jim Jordan. She didn’t blame “MAGAs” or the crowds, or even Trump, she said “YOU f*cking did this!” It seems like Cheney damned well knew some in Congress had a “plan” that involved the hordes. Now Navarro has directly implicated Ted Cruz and only Ted Cruz, on the Senate side.

The Committee might want to ask Chuck Grassley about the matter, too. Most people have forgotten this:

Perhaps there were a lot of people in the huddle on the “Green Bay Sweep.” Ted Cruz’s problem is that he’s now the only senator named by one guy admitting to being one of the primary planners.

We are certain that the Committee will notice and be calling Cruz, soon.


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