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High School Dropout Lauren Boebert Makes Major Mistake in a Tweet and Now She’s a Laughing Stock

It is time for one of our weekly installments of “Lauren Boebert is so stupid that…” and, of course, this requires us to put up the caveat that the fact that she dropped out of high school and got a GED isn’t the problem, at all. As we always say, formal education is a luxury and some people cannot afford it. That doesn’t mean one isn’t under an obligation to educate oneself.

Lauren Boebert isn’t stupid because she has a GED, she is stupid because she’s stupid and she’s refused to educate herself, at all. Educating oneself involves doing some reading, you can learn a lot by reading, indeed one should enjoy learning.

Evidently, Lauren Boebert, who is one of the 535 people on earth with a vote in the United States Congress is so stupid that she clearly has never read anything that didn’t involve a gun and/or Trump in some way.

And so there enlies the problem:

No, Lauren. No – that’s not a typo. We will give you a demonstration of a typo. A typo is when one writes “there” instead of “their” or “here” instead of “hear” or gets the “it’s” mixed up with “its.” That’s a typo and don’t argue because we’re experts at making typos.

It is not a typo when you demonstrate that you had no idea how to frame the words in the first place. Writing “alot” is not a typo if you believe that “alot” is one word. And therein lies the problem, Lauren. You believed that “enlies” is a word, one which often follows “there.”

None of this would mean anything were it not for the fact that Lauren Boebert has just so obviously never read a book in her life, and thus cannot be bothered to educate herself, and still holds that one vote, and a lot of disproportionate power on top of that because she’s one of the most loyal MAGAs.

There are some very smart people in Congress. If we have to go to the other side and prove it’s not an “us” versus “them” thing, we’ll say that Jim Jordan appears fairly smart, if weird and a traitor. The problem is not his intelligence.

Boebert has the flush, she is weird, a traitor, she is uneducated and dumb as a rock underwater.

Twitter had some thoughts:



[email protected] and on Substack: Much Ado About Everything [19]