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Hillary Clinton’s New Book Suggests That Trump’s Breath Smells Like Beef

Hillary Clinton recently co-wrote and released a political thriller novel entitled “State of Terror”. Though the book is fictional, it has many references to real-life scenarios, and more importantly, people. One such character is President Eric Dunn, a villain of the story who is described as idiotic with breath that smells like hamburgers.

Clinton has implied several times that the evil politician in her novel may in fact be based on Donald Trump, and she recently replied to a review of her book with the same suggestion. This is hardly a surprise given that along with the other qualities attributed to the fictional president, Donald Trump shares with him the love of meat, especially hamburgers and fast food.

Excerpts of the novel published by NPR include the details about the meaty breath of the character inspired by Trump. They also include the phrase that if Dunn’s actions as president cause a disaster, “it will be dumped at your big gold door.” Anyone who follows former president Trump knows that if there’s anything he loves more than a good hamburger, it’s gold.

Clinton’s tweets, as well as her entire novel, are not entirely subtle in their insinuations. However, they are definitely both clever and accurate. While many politicians write memoirs about the biggest moments of their political career (as did Hillary after the 2016 election), her choice to also write a fictional version of today’s unprecedented topics is a great way to help us laugh a little, even about the more serious things.

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