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MAGA Dope Who Trolled Biden Now Wants to Run for Office and Meet His Golden Orange Emperor Trump

Jared Schmeck, the Oregon father of four who claims he meant “no disrespect” in a Christmas Eve phone call with President Biden when he said “Let’s Go Brandon” at the end of the call, is apparently doing a media tour. And what he has to say is pretty unbelievable.

The White House NORAD Santa-tracking call started out innocently enough, with the President and First Lady both wishing Schmeck and his family good tidings. But then it went off the rails.

Schmeck has been playing the victim since the incident, complaining to The Oregonian that he was “being attacked” for using his “freedom of speech.” But after an appearance on Steve Bannon’s podcast where he laughed and joked about the phone exchange with Biden, Schmeck showed up in an interview with right-wing broadcaster Todd Starnes.

What he told Starnes was startling. Starnes asked if Schmeck had “any aspirations for higher office,” and it seems like Jared is considering it:

I want to pray about it, see what God has for me. At the end of the day, I want His will for my life and the direction that it goes. I do feel like God put me in this position for a reason. And I strongly believe that standing up is the right thing to do here as long as that message that I’m portraying is glorifying His name. And yeah, I’ll see where it goes.

“Something tells me if you do run, you’ll be invited to a certain place in Florida,” Starnes said, to which Schmeck replied, “I would be honored.”

The hypocrisy of claiming persecution for exercising his right to say whatever he likes, while using that right to say something extremely offensive to Joe Biden during a live event with children watching, is too much to handle.

Apparently, Jared Schmeck believes that he can spread the word of God by telling the President of the United States to go f–k himself, then running for political office. Maybe. He’s praying about it.