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Stephen King Issues Seven Words that Would Leave Even Trump Supporters Speechless

Stephen King writes every day about God only knows what. The staff at this website writes or works on material every day about politics and because Trump is still so politically powerful, we have to cover him, lest only the MAGAs know what he says.

Thus, it is stunning the number of times that Stephen King makes either an observation or remembers things that are so powerful at just the right time.

The MAGAs have been talking all week about the fact that more people have died under Joe Biden than did under Donald Trump. Conveniently leaving out the fact that Biden began on January 20th when we were losing 1500 Americans a day, and it remained at that number for quite some time, all back up through Trump’s Christmas and the time after. They additionally leave out Delta. And, of course, that the disease became one of the unvaccinated, the same people making the claim.

And so this was the perfect week for Stephen King to remind everyone that this was said not too long ago, perhaps 18 months ago?

Stunning memory and stunningly timed. In so many ways, Trump relied upon that very plan. Well, not so much a plan as a justification for inaction.

Twitter needed the reminder: