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Fox News Viewers Furious After Fox’s Jen Psaki Interview — Because Jen Totally Killed It

To this administration’s credit, Jen Psaki offered a 14 minute interview with Fox News Network – yes, that Fox, something that no one here can recall Kayleigh offering MSNBC or anyone else from the administration for a real interview.

The Fox hosts did a real interview. They asked Psaki very tough, but fair questions (that’s exactly their job description, as is at any network with any guest), but apparently Psaki didn’t run, scream, and cry enough for most Fox viewers – she did the interview as professionally as one would expect.

An example of the interview:

Which is not what the Fox news audience wanted, as Rawstory put it:

But the network’s viewers reacted by lashing out at Fox News hosts Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino.

“Dana Perino was basically kissing Jen Psaki’s butt during her first FOX interview,” one viewer wrote on Twitter. “I can’t even muster up anything else worth mentioning, except Paski’s (sic)d answers were just as stupid as the ones she gives in her live press conferences.”

“Both @BillHemmer and @DanaPerino are a disaster at asking questions,” another viewer said. “The questions are more like statements which gave Psaki help on how to answer them. Perino is better at answering questions than asking them. Hammer [sic] is just plain lost.”

It is very possible that a large part of the Fox audience believes the many whacked conspiracy theories floating around out there and were furious as to why Psaki was not asked about why a totally incapacitated president is allowed to serve, etc. etc, the type of stuff they’d hear on Tucker, but not in a news interview. As an example:

Below is an example of what was said above, that the viewers expected some questions about topics on Tucker or questions impossible to answer:

And more anger:

One can hit any of the replies to the above and enjoy the outrage. There is something very real about outrage addiction and it’s not limited to their side, though certainly taken further. It’s on full display right now.


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak