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Trump’s Cognitive Decline is Fully Obvious in Bizarre Phone Interview With Sean Hannity

Either Trump has deteriorated further in his fury after the loss, or he just had one extra special “blank” in the head Thursday night. It is probably a good idea to remember that in the best of times could grow an apartment to three times the size (kinda like a plant) in just over a year. The apartment one sounds more in-line with a lifelong M.O., last night’s “jumping walls” is inexplicable outside just feeble comprehension at that point in time.

To make it worse, it occurred during an interview with the man who seems to have once played the role of “very senior advisor to the president,” Sean Hannity and we’re sure Hannity would have wanted to do anything to save Trump from himself at that moment but had nothing to work with.

According to Rawstory [1]:

Referring to President Joe Biden, Hannity said, “So, you keep banging your head against the wall — why would you expect a different result?”

Trump responded: “So, we would have had the wall completed in three weeks. It was largely completed. We did almost 500 miles of wall.”

Coincidentally, Trump also bragged during the interview about once “acing” a cognitive test.

WTF? It has been well over a year since Trump campaigned on acing’ a cognitive exam. So it’s somewhat amazing he even remembered.

It is also important to remind ourselves that cognitive exams are not even given to people who carry themselves entirely normally. No one asked President Bush or Obama to take a cognitive test. By even admitting that he was asked – by someone – to take the test at all, he’s reminding us once again that someone had some real concerns about his head going into those last six months. That someone knew his or her stuff.

It turns out he wasn’t functioning well at all and if only we could take a time machine back and have the doctor talk about real problems and lack of capacity.


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak