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Trumpy Former WH Doctor Ronny Jackson Sends Most Bizarre Tweet Ever: Dems Want Control of Your Kids!

Proximity to Trump or the MAGA movement has taken some people who were at least presumed normal and sane into what looks like mental illness. As regular readers know, we never say “mental illness” as an insult. Each member of this staff has had family touched by mental illness and we look at it compassionately and as a health factor that impacts their ability to perform their jobs.

The list is long but includes names like Gosar, Johnson, Flynn, and many others. Ronny Jackson has to be among those considered “lost.”

Granted, none of us knew Jackson prior to his first press conference after Trump’s long-awaited press conference. But one has to assume that to become a vice-admiral and the president’s doctor, one must have displayed some good leadership and good judgment throughout most of one’s professional life. How would it be possible otherwise? It was only later that we learned about mismanagement of the White House clinic, and reports of abuse of staff, alcohol, and pills.  He left the military in order to run as a MAGA congressional candidate from Texas.

He has been as fanatical as Gaetz, Gosar, Majorie Taylor Greene, Cawthorn and the others and like them, he will randomly tweet out just bizarre stuff that is incomprehensible dribble other than total hatred of Democrats.

It is impossible to even discern the context of this tweet, which is part of what makes it so quintessentially MAGA. But read this and ask yourself if this man is well.

What is Ronny talking about? Is he talking about masks? Critical race theory? Vaccinations? (From a doctor?) and who calls who “terrorists” when someone disagrees? What was he thinking when he issued this tweet? Was he sober? Or is he just thoroughly indoctrinated?

Tragically, we’re seeing this more and more often in politics, particularly from the right, just complete dehumanization of anyone outside the cult.

We want to control their children? Come on.


[email protected] and on Twitter @JasonMiciak