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Trump Supporters Tricked into Backing Bible Ban in Schools in Prank Video and it’s GLORIOUS

While banning books seems like a dystopic and unnecessary practice, it is happening more and more, most notably in Texas, which recently banned “Maus,” a graphic novel about the Holocaust, from being in any schools curriculum. They make this decision by taking specific passages and putting them out of context, which is precisely what two TikTokers did with the Bible to show some conservatives how easily the script can be flipped.

The video was made by Jason Selvig and Davram Stiefler, also known as the Good Liars. They approach a few different people on the street, one of them wearing a Make America Great Again hat, and tell them about a book that contains a story of two daughters who get their father drunk and have intercourse with him.

Everyone seems to agree that a book with such a story should not be allowed in a school library. The man wearing the MAGA hat even asks the very logical question, “Why do kids need to read that?” They give this response, of course, without knowing that the story is from the Bible, a story in Genesis about Lot and his two daughters.

In that passage in the Bible, the two daughters decide to intoxicate their father and use him to bear children because they are stuck in a cave, and there are no other males to give them children. By their reactions to learning where such a story comes from, it is apparent most of those who are pro-banning books have never actually read the Bible, such as one woman who began to laugh and say, “No, no, no!”

Watch, this is truly amazing: