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Trump’s Now Claiming He Was the Victim of an Attempted Coup During His Presidency

In a recent interview, Trump continued to promote his own victim mentality with radical language and tactics, saying that he was at the mercy of an attempted coup during his presidency. It’s an interesting assertion to add to his regular “stolen election” rhetoric, given that evidence is now being uncovered that Donald Trump tried to stop Biden from winning the 2020 election through illegal methods.

One recent example of such evidence is the uncovering of two executive orders that would have demanded the seizing of voting machines instead of handing them over to their appropriate departments. Though the orders were never actually put in place, it’s scary to realize how little democracy means to the former president, especially in the face of another potential run for his old office.

Trump’s most recent statements about what a great president he was and all the struggles he faced in the Oval Office came during an interview on Newsmax with host Rob Schmitt. He told Schmitt, “Don’t forget, the first day we came in we were hit by the phony Russia, Russia, Russia deal and we had to fight that, so we were fighting that and doing more than any president just about has done for our country, we rebuilt the economy, we rebuilt the military, we opened Space Force, we had low interest rates.”

He went on to say, “But at the same time we were fighting the radical left on the impeachment hoaxes, which was over a perfect phone call to Russia?”

And the best part (sarcasm) where Trump actually suggests there was a coup against him. Poor Trump, everyone’s always out to get him.

“We were fighting these people, we had no choice otherwise we would not have been there, they would have gotten us out. They were staging a coup, they were trying to get us out of office.”
