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‘Ginni Thomas is an Idiot’: DC Insiders Have Laughed Behind the Back of Clarence Thomas’s Wife for Years

Jonathan V. Last is the executive editor of the conservative Bulwark, [1] and he has a few fascinating things to say about Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Apparently, he and his fellow conservatives have been putting up with her shenanigans and wild proclamations for years, Raw Story [1] reports. And all the while, they have been having a good laugh over it, behind her back.

But now that she’s facing increased scrutiny over her part in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot by encouraging Donald Trump’s White House to upend the results of the 2020 presidential election, Last has chosen the opportunity to vent a little bit. He’s published a sampling of the types of emails she’s fired off to influential D.C. conservatives and noting, quite bluntly that the only reason people put up with her is “because she married a man who got himself appointed to the Supreme Court.”

And Last did not write with kid gloves on. No, he took ’em off.

“Here is the secret no one in Washington is willing to say out loud: Ginni Thomas is an idiot.”

He didn’t stop there.

“This isn’t James Carville and Mary Matalin. Or Norman Podhoretz [2] and Midge Decter. [3] Or Irving Kristol [4] and Gertrude Himmelfarb. [5] Or any number of other famous couples. Heck, this isn’t even Sonny and Cher,” he quipped. “No, the Thomases are more like Ivanka and Jared. The senior partner in the arrangement held a position of such high importance that their society scrabbled around to find something for the dimmer partner to do in order to make them feel important. In Jared’s case, that has been destroying newspapers, losing money on real estate, and being tasked with brokering peace in the Middle East.”

Further, he wrote Ginni Thomas has all the hallmarks of “a Boomer with an internet connection, an important spouse, and too much time on her hands.” Last notes that Thomas has been being ridiculed for a long while, with presumed allies indulging her “the way a butler might indulge a wealthy child.”

For Last, Ginni Thomas is little more than a “dilettante,” and he notes that D.C. conservatives in power know how to “marginalize” them while not really taking them seriously.

“You give them just enough access to the grownup table so that they think they’re prized for their inner worth—and so that their senior partners don’t feel disrespected—but not an inch more,” he wrote.

Then he explained what Thomas’s peers really think about her.

“Literally everyone in conservative Washington knows this about her. I’m sure her Washington friends will publicly testify to her being smart and effective. But in private it’s a different story. I wish I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard people in various precincts of Conservatism Inc. laugh about the self-important preening, unserious dabbling, and incompetent hackery of Ginni Thomas over the years,” he noted. “None of this means that everyone kissed up to Ginni with the explicit hope of getting access to her husband (although it’s hard to imagine that sort of thing never happened in Justice Thomas’s three decades on the bench). But hiring her for ‘consulting’ or participating in a project with her was a way to signal that you were on the right team.”

“And of course, that’s one of the things that people in Conservatism Inc. never talk about in the open,” he added.

So while the situation is closing in on this D.C. power couple, I’m hoping it leads to Clarence Thomas’s resignation. I’m not holding my breath, however. And I’m not the only person hoping for this, as you can see from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet below.

It’s time to say “good riddance” to Thomas and his wife.