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Meghan McCain’s Homophobic Husband is Being Sued and She Freaking Out About it on Twitter

Boy does Meghan McCain have a bee in her bonnet this time. Her husband, Ben Domenech, co-founder of the very right-wing, [1] anti-LGBTQ blog, The Federalist, is being sued and Meghan is madder than a wet hen.

“My husband made a joke on Twitter and now you’re all paying for the government to sue him,” McCain snapped in a fiery tweet. That was accompanied by a video of said husband explaining why he’s being sued.

Queerty’s [4] Graham Gremore [5] gives a reasonable summary of the video so that readers don’t have to torment themselves with it. Unless, of course, they want to.

Apparently, the fun started back in 2019 when Domenech tweeted a “joke” threatening the folks who work at his homophobic anti-LGBTQ hate blog that if they tried to unionize, he would send them “back to the salt mine.”


Perhaps he belongs in the “Jerks ‘R Us” hall of fame.

Domenech just happened to post that little witticism on the very day that Vox Media union employees staged a walk-out.

That led the National Labor Relations Board to file a formal charge against FDRLST, Media, LLC. The Board claimed the tweet constituted an “unfair” labor practice.

Following that a National Labor Relations Board administrative judge found the tweet’s timing, was meant to be a “threat” to Domenech’s employees, and therefore, violated federal laws.

“Obviously, the FDRLST employees are not literally being sent back to the salt mines,” Judge Kenneth Chu noted in his ruling. [8] “Idioms, however, have hidden meanings.”

“In viewing the totality of the circumstances surrounding the tweet, this tweet had no other purpose except to threaten the FDRLST employees with unspecified reprisal, as the underlying meaning of ‘salt mine’ so signifies.”

The case has meandered its way through the court system over the past two years and now is pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals for The Third Circuit.

But along with making snarky “jokes” Domenech has long been known for his disparaging barbs about queer people on Twitter. He’s even had to issue an apology to SCOTUS Justice Elena Kagan for trying to “out” her. His website frequently publishes homophobic and transphobic garbage.

What a guy!

And while Meghan calls herself an LGBTQ ally, she’s kept mum about her husband’s repulsive remarks. She’s also never publicly that she profits from the money he makes from publishing his anti-LGBTQ hate speech.

So let’s all do a happy dance that Meghan is getting barbecued on Twitter. It’s what she gets for remaining complacent in her husband’s nasty behavior and then complaining when he’s getting what he deserves.