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Anti-Vax Former Rep Michele Bachmann Admits to ‘Severe Case of COVID’ — So Sick She Can’t Be on Camera

This is so ridiculous.

Those of us who are vaxed and double boosted with teens who are vaxed and boosted can pretty easily go anywhere we want without giving COVID a thought. Perhaps there will be another wave. Indeed it’s likely, but there isn’t one on the horizon, and we should do what Anthony Fauci said, enjoy life as normal except in some specific circumstances… if you are vaxed and boosted. And so we do.

Bachmann once said of Donald Trump that “we will in all likelihood never see a more godly, biblical president again in our lifetime”. Yep.

Life is a little different for those who have eschewed the vaccine the entire time, based upon their firm… political beliefs. It seems that one cannot be a serious MAGA and be vaxed. Even without a big wave washing the country, some still get sick, very sick, including a woman with the faraway vacant eyes you might recall:

“I want to thank you for appreciating that I can’t have my camera on tonight. I’ve been struggling with COVID pretty severely lately and I’m just not suitable for cameras. So thank you so much for just letting me speak and then I’ll hand things off to Leo.” – Michele Bachmann, speaking this weekend on a Christian “prayer call” conducted over Zoom.

In September 2020, Bachmann declared that COVID is God’s judgment [1] on America for its treatment of Israel.

Not trying to look-shame, but Bachmann has appeared on camera without makeup before, so if she’s unwilling to go on camera, she must be very ill.

If that were to be the case, it would seem as though God could be far more targeted in his-her approach. Additionally, given the fact that the United States has been exceedingly good to Israel, she really ought to pick another explanation, perhaps the one based on a mutation of an existing virus, either naturally or intentionally.

In July 2021, Bachmann urged Fox News viewers [2] to buy “No Trespassing” signs because, she claimed, government vaccine outreach workers were going door-to-door to collect information about vaccine refusers that would be then placed in a “massive database connected to your finances.”

To many of us, she will always be crazy eyes. Bachmann on the cover of Newsweek in August, 2011.

Michele is the dean of Regents University School of Government and yet cannot figure out that Amazon, Twitter, Google, Apple, and Facebook have far more massive databases connected to your finances than the government ever dreamed? Additionally, hasn’t the government always been connected to your finances through its “IRS program”?

Silly Michele. Please do get better. We don’t wish harm on anyone. We do wish some would learn something.



[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman