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Cawthorn Writes Whiny and Pathetic Manifesto Against Globalist Republicans: ‘Dark MAGA Is Coming For You!’

You didn’t think he would leave gracefully, did you?

No. Maddie Cawthorn is mad. The North Carolinian voters hurt his feelings, and now they are going to pay. This was all set up by very dark forces within the GOP Globalist movement. In MAGA-speak, “globalist” is anyone who thinks it’s a good idea to trade and have allies around the world. It is also someone who believes in democracy and classic western liberalism.

In reality, this was likely set up by the same people that brought him to power in the first place. We don’t believe McConnell and the RNC put out the videos. We suspect that his sponsors, the “true” MAGA movement itself, here and in Russia, orchestrated Madison’s exit.

Madison Cawthorn has not had the best week.

But Maddie is mad and threw some slop up on Instagram:

When the establishment turned their guns on me, when the Uni-party coalesced to defeat an America First member very few people had my back.

This list includes the lion’s share of figures that came to my defense when it was not politically profitable. These are honorable men and women who are the type of friends anyone yearns to have.

“At the beginning of a change the patriot is a rare and hated man.” These are those rare and hated men/women.

There are other National figures who I believe are patriots, but I am on a mission now to expose those who say and promise one thing yet legislate and work towards another, self-profiteering, globalist goal.

The time for gentile politics as usual has come to an end. It’s time for the rise of the new right, it’s time for Dark MAGA to truly take command.

We have an enemy to defeat, but we will never be able to defeat them until we defeat the cowardly and weak members of our own party. Their days are numbered. We are coming.

Coming from anyone but Madison Cawthorn, that might sound deeply disturbing and foreboding. But, just as we refused to mock Cawthorn anymore due to his obvious personal issues and immaturity, we also refuse to take him seriously.

Cawthorn was there on January 6th speaking about the election being stolen from Trump…and now he’s going fully dark MAGA.

He did, however, list of people he believed to be on his side and we do take some of those people seriously. Some of these people Cawthorn listed as the “good” ones are powerful enough to awaken “Dark MAGA” and truly take command. We saw that on January 6th. There is one notable exception. Lauren Boebert is conspicuously absent:

[email protected], @JasonMiciak, with Nicole Hickman