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Mike Huckabee Promotes His ‘Free’ Trump Book for Kids But (SURPRISE) it’s Actually a Scam

So this is the party that is always talking about indoctrinating kids? Yes, and this is also the party that has made Trumpism a religion. We know that it crossed the Rubicon from cult to religion when it starts teaching its religious values to children. Akin to Bible stories, they now have Trump stories. Instead of Jesus and his teachings, they now have Trump and his… we aren’t sure, all in a comic-type book, like the type from which we learned Bible stories as kids.

As this gets creepier and creepier, and they continue to deify Trump, let’s all settle our minds upon one thing. Mike Huckabee thinks of himself as an extremely conservative Christian. As a Christian, he believes in God, the God of Abraham, the one that gave Moses tablets and listed right up there as number one, numero uno:

“I am the Lord your God, Thou shall have no other Gods before me.”

Mike Huckabee is oaf course the father of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Trump’s former press secretary and most likely the next governor of Arkansas,

Now, we’re positive Mike considers himself a “better” Christian than any of us, but we are able to point out that in many lists, whether its grocery lists, world’s richest man lists, etc., the most important thing or greatest thing is listed first. Please, look at this below and tell us if you don’t think that Mike is headed into some very dangerous territory here regarding that first commandment:

Even the line, “Isn’t it amazing how much Donald Trump said still rings true?” That is a line people say all the time about Jesus. The biggest difference is that Trump was around saying his shit two years ago, Jesus was saying it 2,000 years ago. But it isn’t surprising that Huckabee is out looking for a new God. How could Mike follow a “God” that wanted him to bless the merciful, the meek, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, the ones persecuted for their righteousness?

Yes, this is the man conservatives hold up like the Messiah. A man who would mock a disabled reporter in front of a room full of his supporters…who all laughed.

Are you kidding? It doesn’t sound very MAGA to us. Where is the “Blessed are they who thirst for weaponry”? Where is “Blessed are the rich, for they shall get even greater returns in heaven”? Where is “blessed are the aggressors, who grab what they want, for they shall grab only “tens” in heaven”?

But, there’s more to Huckabee’s free little book than meets the eye. If you go to Huckabee’s website [3], you will see the book isn’t free at all. First, you need to pay shipping and handling of $1. That’s how they get your credit card number. Then comes this little surprise:

Plus, as part of this special offer, your kids can look forward to a new Kids Guide covering an important topic for kids every 3-4 weeks, including an accompanying streaming video lesson and digital workbook, all for just $21.90. Plus, we’ll send your kids a new issue of EverBright Kids magazine each month for only $6.49.

THERE IT IS!!! There’s the grift! You knew it had to be there somewhere, right? Huckabee’s site does say that “You can cancel at any time. And, if you’re not 100% satisfied, let us know within 90 days to receive a full refund of your purchase price.”

But how many people will be duped into this? It’s sickening, and just so Trumpy.

None of that. So it’s time for a new God. And Twitter was all over it:

ABSOLUTELY. They don’t want us to say “gay,” we don’t want them to say “Can’t we shoot them?”