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Sarah Palin Made More Money Last Year on the ‘Cameo’ App Than She Would as a Member of Congress

Have you ever seen those videos where a celebrity wishes someone’s mom or brother or niece a happy birthday? That almost always comes from the Cameo app. It lets you pay a celeb to say whatever you want.

Usually, it costs anywhere from $50 to $200 to get a personalized message from your favorite star. Apparently, a lot of people wanted Sarah Palin to wish their loved one a happy birthday last year, because she made more than two hundred grand from Cameo in 2021.

The irony here is that members of Congress — which Palin is currently running for — make just $174,000 per year.

In a new financial disclosure form filed this week [1], Palin revealed that she made $211,529 from celebrity video appearances on the Cameo app in 2021. That’s $37,529 more than the salary she would make as a member of the US House of Representatives.

Until his death on March 18th of this year, Don Young was the longest-serving member of the House. Now, Palin and 47 other candidates are running to fill his vacated Alaska seat in Congress.

But it seems like Sarah is the only one who would be taking a pay cut.

Congressional rules limit what you can make to supplement your income. Currently, they can only make $29,595 in outside income above what they make as a member of Congress. Palin has already made more than $40,000 this year from Cameo alone.

Alaska now has a top four primary system. That means that all 48 candidates, including Palin, will run on the same ballot. Then the four with the highest number of votes will advance to an August special election where voters get to use ranked-choice voting to determine the winner.

Sarah Palin announced she was running for Alaska’s only seat in the US House of Representatives in early April, 2022, and was quickly endorsed by Donald Trump.

Honestly, though, nobody wants to see the terminally stupid Sarah Palin in Congress. She would be much better off if she simply stuck to making celebrity appearance videos for her fans.

Here’s Palin’s announcement that she joined Cameo back in December 2020: